Non-Synesthetes (& My Color-Alphabet List)

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First off, I'm sorry I haven't been updating recently. I'm in an advanced math class, and we get LOTS of homework. Gets in the way.

So, have you synesthetes ever wondered what it'd be like to be a non-synesthete? I can't imagine a world without things like seeing the words people see. Also, when you found out synesthesia was a thing, did your abilities seem more, ya know, there? Ticker-tape I always knew was there; it could never be ignored. But things like my grapheme-color I never really paid attention to until I found out it was a thing.


Let us begin.

It goes in rainbow order, from darkest to lightest (with non-rainbowees at the bottom or top or wherever I thought they belonged).

My gosh, they have genders. Not even gonna go into most of the personalities 'cause they are complex. Numbers are really what most people have personalities for, but I have them for letters, too.

Cc - Female. The only dang red letter in the whole dang alphabet for me.

Gg - Male. The brighest dang orange!

Jj - Male.

Qq - Female. Pale orange.

Tt - Male. We've reached the Yellow Brick Road.

Dd - Male. This, along with Tt and Uu, aren't such a vivid yellow. It's a mix.

Uu - Male.

Ll - I think female. Cream yellow.

Rr - Male. Iceland, but ya know how it's green? It's dark green, though.

Xx - I think male. Between Rr and Ee.

Ee - Male. Our Iceland got a little paler here.

Zz - Maybe male? Just ever so paler than Ee.

Vv - Male. Ee with just the slightest bit of that yellow-green look.

Hh - Male. But I think he's gay :P. Initially, I forgot about this one. Brighter than Vv, but no yellow-green.

Aa - Female. A dark cyan, like the brightest ocean you ain't yet seen.

Bb - Female, sassy. Matches 8 just about perfectly. A dull blue-gray.

Mm - Female. Darker that Bb, but it's got some purple. This one just seems sassy.

Ww - Female. Does it get along Mm? Seems like a cousin-younger-sister type. Mm, but paler.

Pp - Female. A purplish-pink, perhaps magenta. Perfectly possible, I presume.

Kk - Female. Bright pink.

Ss - Female and bi :P. Kk but paler. Looks a bit like 2.

Ii - Male, but bi. Just like 1, with that white that has a hint of gray.

Oo - Male. Just like 0, pure white.

Did I get them all? I think so. NO, WAIT!

Nn - Male. Brown. A bit like 9. Honestly 9 and Nn are like a couple, not brother and sister.

There. Wait... No, there. Right?

I forgot another one!

Yy - Male, I think. Yellur!

Anyways, tell me your colors, tell me your opinion on the non-synesthete dealio, tell me it all!

Keep bee-lievin' :{D

~Bee-liever Apple

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