Par-tay Like it's Yawr Birthday

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 Lulu stood leaned against the window frame, arms crossed tightly over her chest. “Why do you wanna keep things from me, Piper?”

  I sighed. Ever since suggesting Lulu and I dare do our end of the year project, she’d been procrastinating. We were at my house trying to work on it. Well, I was working on it; Lulu was just spying on Liam.

  “I have no clue what you’re talking about,” I muttered. “But I’m sure you’re five seconds from telling me.”

  “What day in July, Piper?”

  I groaned inwardly. “Who told you?”

  “Your mom.” Lulu came to sit beside me on the edge of the bed. Her eyes shown with hurt as she asked, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Immediately I felt guilty. “It’s nothing personal. I just have this crazy notion that if no one knows it’s my birthday that I won’t actually be eighteen.”

  “What’s wrong with being eighteen? It’s exciting!”

  I shrugged. “It used to be. Back when I had a plan.”

  Lulu stared at me quizzically. “You’re not going the University of Phoenix?”

  I shrugged. “I dunno. Sooki and I had planned on looking for an apartment this summer, but that was before….everything.”

  It was the first time I’d thought of Sooki or David or Arizona. It seemed I had worse problems to deal with; like my best friend confessing his love for me. That was just great. All my plans for the summer were definitely down the drain. If they weren’t, I’d be off to Arizona in two and a half weeks. Then Lulu wouldn’t’ve had to worry about any birthdays.

  “You should still go,” Lulu said. “I mean, it’d be hard to after…everything. But you seemed so sure. Don’t let two dumbasses ruin your entire future. What’re doing with your life, anyway, Piper?”

  I shrugged. “I honestly have no clue. I guess that’s bad, huh?”

  Lulu shrugged. “Not necessarily. Some people find out sooner and them some later.”

  “What’re you?”

  “Definitely sooner. I’ve known I wanted to be a trucker since I was six years old.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Be serious.”

  She laughed. “Nah. I wanna be a marine biologist.”

  This surprised me. “Really?”

  Lulu nodded shyly. “Yeah. I dunno. I’ve just always found sea life…fascinating…you know?”

  Lulu had this special glint in her eye while talking about the ocean. I envied that kind of passion.

  “That’s really cool, Lu.”

  Blushing, she quickly changed the subject. “Anyway. The day, Piper!”

  I rolled my eyes. “The twelfth.”

  “Okay, so here’s what I’m thinking.”


  “Total no-mature-adults-allowed party! Depending on the day, Maddie says we can have it at her house.”

  That sounded a lot like a beer party, to me. I opened my mouth to gently down, but then thought better of it. It’d be nice to get sloshed and stop thinking about things.

  I grinned, nodding. “Sounds great.”

  Lulu’s eyes lit up. “Really? I mean, I want it to be good.”

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