Crazy for This Girl-Liam's POV

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     Most guys would find it annoying having a girl sit and watch them working and doing nothing themselves at all. I guess it made me crazy I wasn't one of those guys. But, then again, most guys didn't have Piper Smithson. Technically, neither did I-not in the way that I wanted-but I had more of her than they did. Now, she sat behind the hay bales, wearing her ridiculous clothes-I didn't even know people actually made yellow tights-and doing her homework while I mucked the stalls for the billionth time. Hey, I wasn't gonna clean horse shit when it was a mile high. It was less work cleaning them once a week than it was once a month-trust me, I know.

  "I hate math!" she groaned, still hiding-as if she thought she was really keeping her ridiculously adorable glasses from me.

  I would have replied-to offer my help for the millionth time-but she wouldn't even hear me. Already, her foot was tapping a beat, signaling that she was listening to her MP3. She wasn't all that different-besides being painfully more beautiful-than she was when we were kids. Still stubborn as ever. Even if I could help her get her math done in under ten seconds, she wouldn't even let me help with one problem. She had to do it all on her own.

  She kept grumbling under her breath. I just rolled my eyes and laughed.

  "WAH!" she suddenly screamed. "Ugh! Cat!"

  I turned my head just in time to see the one eyed tom-cat-who she was calling Booth, I guess-being dropped from the first level of hay bales, landing gracefully on his feet. I knew for a fact she adored that cat. An that was just another thing about her. The acclaimed vegetarian who had a love/hate relationship with animals; but especially with cats and dogs. Unless they were big, muscled dogs or evil and smart cats, Piper usually was irritated with them. Even with Terry-God, that name!-she loved and hated.

  I shook my head, dumping another load in the shit pile out the back of the barn-which I would later have to smooth out with the tractor.

  "Would you say you're six foot?" Piper asked randomly as I came back in. She had her glasses pushed up through her dark hair, apparently deciding I could see them as long as she wasn't wearing them.

  "Six two," I answered. "Why? That doesn't exactly have anythin to do with calculus."

  "No, dumby. It's for my report."

  "Ah." The infamous report that was driving me insane. One way or another, I would get a hold of it. It wasn't that I thought she was writing crap about me; the opposite, actually. The very modest and humble part of me wanted to know just how well she thought of me. I wouldn't take advantage of her thoughts on me, however tempting, but it'd be nice to know just where I stood to her and just how close.

  "You're just gonna write how tall I am?" I asked, going back to mucking Velvet's stall-God, that horse has a pile of piss with my name on it. She hated me.

  "Wouldn't you like to know?" she teased.

  "Mmm, nope."

  "What?" She blinked, surprised.

  I shrugged. "I don't wanna know." Liar.

  "You.....don't wanna know."

  "That's what I said."

  " wouldn't care if I called you a hillbilly?"

  I hated it when she called me a hillbilly. "I ain't no hillbilly, darlin."

  She snorted. "This from the guy that just said 'ain't no'."

  "Since when were you an anal grammer freak?"

  "Pretty much since always."

  "Than you do realize 'since always' isn't technically proper?"

  She gasped dramatically and I could only guess what came next. "I do declare, you're makin funna me!" she said in her fake southern drawl.

  Even though I teased her about it, it was the cutest thing. She sounded like a typical actress who over does the southern accent, only Piper could pull it off and pass it as adorable.

  "I would never make funna you," I said sarcastically.

  She rolled those bright green eyes. "I...." She started sniffing, looking at the lights. She always did that when she was about to sneeze; sniff in, glare into the lights. "Hep-choo!"

  Normally, she snuffed her sneeze before she got a chance to just let it out. But she didn't today. What came out was way too girly than what I thought would ever come from her. Maybe that's why I started laughing.

  "It's not funny!" she scolded.

  "It is!" You sound like such a girl!"

  "I am a girl, stupid. Or didn't you notice?"

  Oh, I noticed. I groaned inwardly, mentally slapping myself. Thoughts like that weren't gonna get me anywhere; she could read me like an open book and I wasn't of her taking that as pervertedness-which it wasn't. It was just.....wishful thinking? It was just the idea of she and I; more than friends. I still had that dumb check-yes-or-no sheet I was gonna give her all those years ago. But then I found out she was moving. Even as an eight year old boy I knew it was pointless to give it to her. I thought after she moved away, that stupid crush would go away with her. It didn't. If anything, it got worse. What was I-nine?-when it finally struck me that I loved her? Again, pointless, as I'd never see her again.

  When I was fifteen, though, I had these crazy ideas of flying to Arizona to sweep her off her feet-admitting this does nothing for my self esteem; it makes me sound like such a puss, which I like to believe I'm not. And then sixteen hit, all the hormones. Ugh. And then there was Tanya Cummings-the nightmare with an ass and big boobs. Dating her, I thought the pointless feelings I had for the girl I once knew would go away. They were distracted, but they never really went away.

  And then my dad told me she was moving back-so vague; he didn't even know when except that she was "moving back"-I got all those crazy feelings all over again; just when I thought I'd locked them away with that dumb note. And then I acted like such an ass to her the day she moved back in, just cause I was nervous as hell talking to her, seeing her all....grown up. And then I felt just awful for checking her out. Continuously. Sixteen, all over again. Only no Tanya Cummings as a distraction this time. I was totally on my own; and I was not gonna blow it.

  I wasn't eight years old anymore. I didn't have a note to figure out if she liked me as more than just a childhood friend. Sometimes I liked to think she did, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. And I really hoped to God she realized we weren't kids anymore. That sooner or later push would come to shove and that she'd realize-God, please before I had to tell her myself-I didn't think of her as just a friend......Unless friends think about kissing their other friend.

  And I hoped she wouldn't pull her Stubborn Piper card. God, that girl would be my ruin-from the very start. Only then I was able to blame it on puppy love and teenage hormones. Now, though, there was absolutely no denying it.

  I was definitely in love with her.

  Which basically translated as: I'm fucked.


A/N Well, it's short. I know. Sorry.

So, still perfect or less perfect? I think he's absolutely perfect cause he's real. It was really fun, getting inside his head, however it's kinda embarrassing describing a girl like you have feelings for her. It's just kinda like *pretend you're Liam* lol. He's one of my favorites, though, seriously. What are your thoughts, seriously, on Liam? As detailed as you care to write. Love the feedback.

Love y'all!





P.S I thought this song describes him pretty well. This song is so sweet!

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