We Can Do This, You and I; Together

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  • Dedicated to Pyper

  I had been afraid to even sleep that night, thinking that the next morning my baby girl could very well be dead. After I had dried up my tears, we set Molly up in her stall. But I did a dumb thing. I asked Liam if he would stay up at the house with me; watch some movies, help me go to sleep. What not.

  “Alright,” I’d said, standing in front of the enormous stack of DVDs and VHSs. “Whatchya wanna watch?”

  “I’d ask what you have, but I think the question is what you don’t have.”

  I flashed him a smirk. “Wise ass. And to answer your question, the only ones we don’t have are ones unworthy of being bought.”

  Liam rolled his eyes, collapsing on the couch. “Oh, brother.”

  There was a definite question I was trying desperately to ignore as I rifled through the movies. Jokingly, I pulled out Valley Girl. “This. Definitely this. Although it prob’ly wouldn’t be fair for you to watch me drool all over Nicholas Cage through the whole thing,” I teased, putting it back.

  Brow raised, Liam asked, “What’s ‘Valley Girl’?”

  I blanched. “Only the best 80’s movie ever! You’d hate it.”

  “You’re awfully sure of yourself. What’s it about?”

  I blushed a little as I explained, “A prep who falls for a punk, but her friends disapprove and she breaks up with him for her tool ex-boyfriend. But then they get back together. Obviously.”

  Liam made a face. “You’re right. I wouldn’t like that.”

  He looked so cute chilling on the couch with his nose all bunched up. I looked away. “I’m bad at explaining things.”

  “No, I’m pretty sure that was spot on.”

  I snorted. “’Spot on’. What are you, British now?”

  Liam smirked. “No,” he said, mimicking a perfect British accent.

  I gasped. “No way! How’d you do that?”

  “It’s not hard no say anything with an ‘O’ in it,” he laughed.

  “Dude, we should watch Harry Potter!”

  “’Dude’, no!”

  “What’s wrong with Harry Potter?” I pouted.

  “Aside from the fact that it’s retarded?”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “Have you ever seen it?”

  He didn’t say anything.

  I turned and snatched the first one out of the bookshelf. “That’s it. I need to educate you in the ways of Harry Potter.”

  Liam groaned.

  I ignored him and plopped the disc in the DVD player. “Now, the first one’s kinda long and boring, but it gets better by the third one.”

  “Then why can’t we just watch the third one?”

  “Because then you’d be confused!” I argued.

  Liam rolled his eyes, relenting.

  “Plus it’s better watching them age and mature. Especially Ron and Hermione.”

  “I can’t believe you’re making me watch Harry Potter,” Liam mumbled.

  “Shush. It’s awesome.”

  I was in the middle of debating where to sit—with Liam or alone? Would it be wrong if I sat next to him? I wanted to—when the phone rang.

  I growled, having to walk all the way to the kitchen to retrieve it. “Hello?”

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