You Can Be Racial to Vegetarians

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     "Yo, chum, why the long face?"

  I had half a mind to glare at Joe. I kept my eyes down on my pathetic salad-cheeseburgers. I hated salads this plain. I dropped my fork. "This school has no consideration for vegetarians."

  Lulu rolled her eyes. "You're not a vegetarian."

  "Well, almost!" I defended. "If I didn't hate birds so much, I would be."

  "Bacon," Lulu reminded around her food.

  I shrugged. My guilty pleasure was bacon; so what. But I had to have it crisp, almost burnt. If it was fatty, forget it. "But still. They're racial."


  "The school board. Duh."

  "Can you be racial with vegetarians?"



  "That's why you're mopey?" Joe prodded.

  I looked up at him, narrowing my eyes. "Joe."


  "I don't like you."


  "You're especially snippy," Lulu commented quietly.

  I shrugged, mopey again. "I had a partial fight with my boyfriend."

  "What happened?"

  I glanced warily at the eager eyes of Lulu's friends. "Well, no biggy, really....He's just PMSing, apparently. You know, it was one of those one sided fights." And then he had the nerve to keep calling me the past two days I was ignoring him. Then, when that didn't work, he kept harassing me on Facebook. Not only did he fill up my message box and my wall, but whenever we were both online, he tried a thousand times to chat with me. I hadn't gone on Facebook in two days-and that was killing me. But man, Facebook! Why do you have to make it so easy to be a network of stalkers!

  "God, I hated that." To this, Lulu gave Joe a pointed look.

  He frowned, looking away.

  A while Lulu had told me the reasoning for their breakup; a simple 'having nothing in common'. I figured my soon-to-be-breakup with David wouldn't be that simple. Ugh.

  "Anyway, how bout that paper in English," Lulu said suddenly, changing the subject. I knew she was my friend for a reason.

  Mrs. Slavver's-our English teacher-gave us this paper to do, describing our best friend.

  "I'm gonna do mine on you," Lulu said to me. "Who're you doing yours on?"

  "My friend Sooki."

  Lulu blinked, making a sad face. "Oh. I see. I'm not important enough."

  Oh, shit. I didn't even think I might offend her. "Uh, well...."

  Lulu started laughing. "Chillax, girl. I'm just kiddin. Sheesh. You Arizonians take everything so seriously."

  I rolled my eyes. "No. That's the vegetarian in me."

  "Almost vegetarian," she corrected.

  "Yes, well, it's easier to just say vegetarian. Don't you think?"

  "Hmm....yeah. Agreed."

  The rest of the school day was unimportant. I went, I had class, I ate lunch, I had gym-which, by the way, sucked because some douche hit me in the head with a basketball and I had to convince everyone that I didn't need to go to the nurse's office; sheesh, everyone overreacts so much to the wrong things-I had class again, and then I went home.

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