Shit Disturber

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A/N I feel like screaming out that song in The Hunchbackof Notre Dam: Here it is, the moment you'v been waiting for!!! lol

   Lulu stared back at me, her blue eyes huge. “Wow.”

  I nodded, putting my chin in my hands with a heavy sigh. “I know.”

  “What an amazing boyfriend,” she said dreamily.

  I frowned. “Lulu. That’s not the point.”

  “What? Sorry. I was thinking about the hot and sticky affair Liam and I are gonna have when you leave. What was that?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Nice, but Liam would never stoop so low.” I stuck my tongue out at her.

  She reached over and pinched my arm. “It could happen! If I hypnotized him or something…”

  I laughed. The day after Liam and I had finally talked, I had Lulu come and pick me up to stay the night at her place. My mother, though only five and a half months pregnant, was at a point where she needed the SUV with her at all times. I kept trying to tell her she wasn’t going to go into labor anytime soon, but I guess you couldn’t be too careful with pregnancies. There was always the chance something could go wrong—though with the rather obsessive way my mom was taking the right vitamins and eating scarily healthy, I seriously doubted there would be complications.

  “It’s not that hard of a decision, Piper,” Lulu said. “I mean, it would be if you know what you wanna do, but you don’t.”

  “I know that,” I said. “I’m just afraid I’ll regret it for the rest of my life if I don’t go, always wondering what I missed.”

  “What about here, Piper? Is an education more important than true love?”

  I totally ignored the first part of her question. “You think what Liam and I have is true love?”

  “Hell yeah! Are you going to throw away the greatest thing in the world for a dumb college when you can get half the classes right here in Lewisburg? I mean, it’d be one thing if it was Harvard or something; but it’s not.”

  This was why I had come over here. I knew Lulu would talk sense into me; even if I had made my mind up a long time ago.   

  “I feel like Quasimodo,” I mumbled.

  Lulu laughed. “Why?”

  “Cause I feel like you’re trying to get me to go to the Festival of Fools.”

  She laughed harder. “You are so ridiculous, Piper!”

  “Lucy!” Mrs. Walker called.

  “Yeah?” Lulu called back, making a face.

  “Go take Nathaniel to the gym.”


  There was a loud sigh. “Lucy, please? I’m not feeling well at all today.”

  Lulu got up with a grumble. “Fine. Nate! Get your gym clothes on!” She turned to me. “You wanna come with?”

  I shook my head. “Nah. I’ll just chill in here and watch Bridezillas.”

  She shrugged. “Suit yourself. I’ll only be an hour at the most.”

  “Okay. I’m cool just chillin’ in here.”

  “That’s what scares me.”

  I stuck my tongue out at her.

  She laughed, wiggling her fingers at me as she disappeared behind her door.

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