A New Beginning

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Mathew!"

I smiled at everyone in the break room, mainly my chaotic best friend Richie. I watched as he sang at the top of his lungs, sounding like a cat in heat.

"How old are you now!?" my fellow colleagues continued to sing while I laughed "32!"

"Now make a wish!" Nicki hollered

I squeezed my eyes shut feeling like a little kid again making my wish. I puffed up my cheeks and blew out the thirty-two candles, yeah all thirty-two of them. I can only guess that it was Nicki's bright idea to put all of those candles on top of the cake like that, surely this has to be hazardous.

"What did you wish for?" Nicki asked

I smiled, "if I tell you, then it won't come true"

Everyone laughed as I stood and began cutting the strawberry carvel cake into sections, handing out slices among everyone in the break room.

So, I'm thirty two now, I've been back at this cooperation for about two years and it's been great. As you know, Richie is the boss, and the reason why I couldn't get my old office back is because Nicki stepped up in position and now has my old office. Once I was comfortable and settled into my new office, instead of Richie being my partner, Nicki is now my business partner and we've been working together for a year and a half now. He's no Richie but I can tolerate him. We make a great duo.

He's punctual, fun, funny, and the people love him. Without him I dont know if I would be able to bring most of the business in like we do.  I find the clients, email them, talk to them over the phone, have a meeting with them in my office about what they want and set up the contract. Then, Nicki types up the contract to finalize it, he schedules the meeting, we meet with the client, he reals them in and bam! We have a business. Yeah, I like to think that we make a pretty good team, might be better than Richie and I was.

"This cake is pretty damn good, where did you get it from?" Richie asked Nicki

"Walmart, they had a sell on carvel cakes, couldn't pass it up"

Richie nodded and as did I, this cake is pretty good. Strawberry is my favorite flavor.

"So Mat, are we still on for tonight?" Richie asked

"No can do, I got a hot date tonight"

Richie and Nicki looked at me, eyes wide and forks stopped just before their mouths

"with your secretary?" Nicki asked. I chuckled, "No, I think I learned my lesson with that one"

"With Jennifer?"

"No" I replied, "With Rosy"

"Rosy? Blue eyed Rosy?" Richie asked sounding surprised

I nodded, "yes, she's taking me out to dinner to some up scale restaurant for my birthday"

"awww, how cute" Nicki panned in while finishing up his cake, "I gotta finish up that contract for tomorrow, I'll catch you guys later though, alright? Happy birthday again man" he shook my hand, "enjoy your date too" he laughed. I smiled while shaking his hand as well and biding him a see ya later.

"Don't you think it's too early though?" Richie asked now that its just him and I left in the break room.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean don't you think it's too early for you to start dating again? You were with Elena for five long years and you know after" he paused, "after....everything, don't you think you should give yourself some more time?"

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