Take a Break

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I would like to give a great big THANK YOU to Mahaganey for such a great chapter. She's been helping me write this story and she wrote this whole chapter. Thank you ! I wouldn't be uploading this chapter if it wasn't for her ❤️

P.s check out some of Mahaganey books, she's a great writer.


Matthew pov

After leaving Elena's house I drove back home. I pull up in the driveway just to see the lights on. Spending the day at the park with Carter and Richie was fun but boy am I exhausted.

Why are all of the lights on?  I thought to myself. Reaching the door, I walked inside putting my keys on the small table. My mouth began to water at the smell of Rosie cooking.

I walked into the kitchen and she greeted me "hey baby" she smiled planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"Hey Rose" I looked behind her to see the table nicely set. Steak and potatoes are on each of the plates with a refreshing glass of wine placed in front of them "What's all this?"

"Oh, I thought I'd make you dinner considering the long day you had and hopefully after that, we can have dessert" She spoke suggestively while biting her lip.

"Rosie this looks so lovely!"
I looked over everything in awe, the two long candles placed in the middle of the table illuminated the room as they sat well lit on top of the cream colored table cloth.

My stomach would gladly appreciate this meal but unfortunately my body doesn't agree and it's telling me to get some rest for the early day I'll have tomorrow morning.

"Rosie, I want you to know that I appreciate all of this. Everything looks so great but" I paused, watching the excitement painted on her face fall, "I had a really long day today and I really need some rest for the morning. Do you mind if I take a reign check?"

She sighed, nodding her head, "sure, fine I understand. You go get some rest"

I smiled sympathetically, "I promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow"

"No yeah I get it, women aren't the only ones who need their beauty rest right?"

I laughed a little while walking back to my room. Seeing the look on her face I know that she was a little upset, but I just feel so drained.
It's hard being a dad.

Taking my clothes off, I plopped down on the bed face first and went straight to sleep.

Rosie Pov

I stood there in the middle of the kitchen looking around. I just cooked all this shit for no reason.

Sighing, I quickly got to work on cleaning everything up. The sooner I finish cleaning this up, the better I feel.

I don't know for some reason I just feel so rejected. I understand he had a long day and everything but dammit you couldn't just eat a little of what I cooked? He couldn't have been that tired?

After washing the dishes, I began putting the food away, maybe we can have it for lunch tomorrow.

Satisfied with how clean the kitchen finally is, I went to grab a blanket out the closet and got cozy on the couch. I'll just watch a little tv for a while.

Flicking meaninglessly through the channels I began to realize that there's really nothing good on around this time.

I really don't want to go and sleep next to him after feeling so rejected. I could go back to my place? But it's really late and I don't think I want to take that drive.

I'm starting to feel as if his whole thing with him and Carter is going to come in between us, he's never turned down my cooking before. Maybe I should start staying home more often instead of sleeping here with him.

It all happened so fast, i have most of my clothes here my tooth brush is here I damn near live here. Maybe I should slow things down a bit.

I love the fact that he is a great father to his son but maybe that's just it. Maybe he just needs time to be a father, without me in the picture.

With all of these thoughts on my mind, I eventually fell asleep.

Matthew Pov

The next day  I woke up and didn't see Rosie. I frowned thinking to myself, she's never been one for early mornings. I got up walking downstairs to see her sleeping uncomfortably on the couch.

"Rosie" I bent down to meet her at eye level. I shook her gently and her eyes opened and closed lazily. She muttered something I couldn't quite grasp.

I smiled, "Come on, let's get you to bed"  I went upstairs and placed her in the bed.

I laid down next to her. "Oh Rosie" I grazed her cheek with the back of my hand.

"We should take a break" She whispered sleepily.

My eyebrows knotted in confusion "What?"


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