Auntie Tasha

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Mathew POV

"Rosie? What did you mean by that?"

I watched as she finally began to completely wake up. "What are you talking about?" She questioned.

"You just mumbled to me that you think we should take a break"

Sitting up on the bed she frowned, rubbing her hands through her hair, "I'm just worried that we will start drifting apart"

I sighed, " Rosie, I won't let that happen"

"I feel like it's already starting to happen"

"Is this because of what happened last night?"

"It's not just that particular incident. You missed the last day at the art gallery as well and whose to say it won't be more times after that? I just feel like maybe you need some time to just be a father before you try to balance having a girlfriend, a job and everything else"

I shook my head, "no"


"You can't just decide for me on whether balancing everything is too much. That's not your decision to make"

"Mathew if we can just-"

"No, I want you to stay here and be with me. I need you to stay strong by my side. I can't do this without you."

"But what if-"

"What if what?"

She shook her head, "nothing you're right"

"No Rosie talk to me, tell me how you feel"

She ran a hand through her hair, a little habit I notice that she does when she's overwhelmed, "what if you decide you want to be with them?"

I frowned, "is that what this is really about? You're afraid that I'm going to leave you for Elena?"

She sat there in silence, waiting for me to speak. "Do you honestly think that I would cheat on you like that?"

"Mathew, what you guys have or had. I-I can never compete with that"

"And I'm not asking you to" I sighed feeling frustrated.

"You cheated on Elena, what makes me any different?"

I stared at her shocked that she would even say that, "don't do that. Don't try and use my past against me. You of all people should know that I'm not like that anymore"

"Do I?"

I stared at her in disbelieve, "I'm going to get ready for work. Be here when I get back or don't, I really don't care at this point"

I can't stand talking about this anymore. Her bringing up my past and throwing that in my face really hurt. Does she really think that low of me?

I didn't mean what I said, I would hope to see her when I get back so we can talk about this some more but I don't know, maybe she's not cutout for this.

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