A Little More Closure

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Matthew's POV

It's been such a long day, it feels good to finally be home. Me Richie and Nicki decided to have a light celebration for closing the deal with Mr falcon. I sat on the couch sipping my beer.

"How are things going with the co-parenting?" Richie asked.

"Everything is good now. There were certain mishaps that we had to get over, but we talked it out"

Richie smiled "That's so good! It's best to keep things civil just for Carter. I can't imagine how hard it must be considering you guys situation"

"What the hell are you guys talking about?"

Nicki sat confused. I looked at Richie and Richie looked at me and it was then, that I had began to realize that I neglected to tell Nicki about Elena and my current situation. Nicki is always busy doing his thing and I've been doing my thing so we haven't really gotten a chance to sit down and catch up.

"Well, about a couple of weeks ago Elena showed up at the job"

Nicki's eyes practically popped out of his head, "ooh shit! What happened? Did She decide to take you back?"

In case you've forgotten, Richie is the only one that knows about Tasha and Elena's scandal. As far as Nicki knows, I cheated on Elena so she divorced me and I got myself put in jail all because of my crazy secretary.

"Yes, but only because of Carter"

Nicki frowned once more, "who is Carter?"

I sighed, "I guess it's story time"

I started from the beginning, telling him how Elena showed up at the job wanting to meet up with me and how she introduced me to Carter. I obviously left out some of the extra parts that had to deal with the scandal, but I told him everything that I wanted him to know.

"Damn that's so crazy. My thing is, how do you know Carter is yours? How do you know she didn't just meet someone while you were in jail? You could be taking care of someone else's kid"

Richie interfered, "If you see Carter for yourself, you'll know that he's Mathew's son. The resemblance is impeccable"

Nicki shook his head, " I can't believe you have a son."

I nodded, "I couldn't either, but I'm glad I have him in my life. At first I thought it would be hard being a dad. Like, how do you know if you're doing the right thing? Or if you're teaching him the right things? I just know that I want him to grow up to be nothing like me, I want him to be better than I am and that's what keeps me going"

"Damn, that's deep. I'm a little disappointed that you knew for this long and you're just now telling me. We're suppose to be best friends"  Nicki added seeming hurt.

"I know, everything just happened so fast and you and I haven't really gotten together to catch up in a while"

He nodded, "I guess I can understand that but you have to at least make me The Godfather"

"Woa woa woa" Richie interrupted, "Nicki, its only fair that I be The Godfather. I have Rachel, so together we'd make god parents. You have... well, just you. What would that make you ? Just a regular old god father"

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