Long talks

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Dinah's POV


I haven't talked to Angel since after breakfast, and I was starting to worry. So to get my mind off of it I asked my mom if I could hang out with some friends. I played with Regina and Kamila until I left. We went to grab some lunch and that was pretty much it, but this boy named Nela was being really touchy feely and I didn't like it so I paid him no mind. Otherwise, it was pretty uneventful. When I got home I saw Regina and Angel watching Spongebob. I assumed Angel put Kamila to sleep. I was hoping Angel would notice me and attack me with hugs.

I received the exact opposite.

I went upstairs instead of trying to get Angel's attention. Blasting Queen Bey was my first option so I did exactly that. Then I pulled out my laptop and started dancing and doing moves I would usually do with Angel with Naki instead. We recorded it and Naki was dressed in a green onesie with underwear over it. Halfway through she did the tauolunga and I started laughing, but it wasn't the same as dancing with Angel. She usually goes into a whole routine. We sent her to dance camp for a whole summer once. Then she went to a cooking camp last year. She hates going away by herself, but ends up enjoying it anyway.

After ending the video I posted it and sat down.

"What's up, Dinahmite?" Naki asked sitting next to me.

"I'm...not exactly sure. Angel's not talking to me." I huffed. I wasn't frustrated with Angel, I just wish she would tell me what's going on.

"WHAT? THAT'S A BIG DEAL! WHAT DID YOU ?" I just stared at Naki wide eyed and shook my head. Are we really that close?

"I don't know." I said quietly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to yell but wow." She was wide eyed, pacing, and running a hand through her hair.


"When did she stop talking to you?" She asked after she calmed down.

"After I told everyone about X-Factor." I trailed off.

"I don't know. Everyone knows you want to pursue your dream. I can't read her for once." Angel was an open book to everyone within a 10 mile radius.

"Me neither. It scares me." I admitted.

"Talk to her."Naki shrugged.

"You know what I will. Right after dinner." I started giggling after looking at Naki.

"What?" She asked completely confused.

"Underwear outside of your clothes?" I burst out laughing.

"You're just mad I have a better fashion sense than you." She shrugged and I calmed down.

"Whatever you say Naks." She left with mom to pick up the boys from practice, while I sat and thought about what I would say to Angel.

What could be bothering her?

She tells me everything!

Was she hiding something?

Did I do something?

Did it have to do with X-Factor?

Does anyone else notice Angel and I haven't been in the same room for longer than 5 minutes in 10 hours?

Are we not as close as we used to be?

Does she hate me?

"Dinners ready!" Mom called and I realized I had tears running down my face. I quickly wiped them away. I was in my thoughts for 2 hours, that's a new record. I slowly trudged downstairs in the mix of the rest of my family. The table was already set. I knew Angel did it because it was our thing and everyone else it too lazy. It's kind of sad she won't even set a table with me. I decided I wasn't going to look up during dinner, since she sits directly across from me. Regina grabbed my hand before more tears made their way to my eyes. We prayed over our food and dug in. I noticed Daniel and dad would glance at Angel every so often. I wonder what for.

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