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Dinah's POV

I woke up early today.

I know.

'There's no way that could ever happen.' You may say.


It did.


It's Angel's birthday and I wanted to make it special for the brat. The only problem is when I went to wake her up, she wasn't there. I don't remember any planned camps for her, so I asked the one in charge.

"Mom!" I was taking a risk by waking her up this early. I mean this is Milika Hansen we're talking about. She is known for being quite dramatic.

"What? What is it Dinah? Its too early. I need my beauty sleep!" She mumbled while turning over and squinting at me.

There it is.

"Where's Angel?" I questioned while leaning on the doorframe.

"Well, probably flying over Texas by now. Okay bye!" She turned back over to resume her 'beauty sleep but I was upset.

I'm not sure if I was more upset with Angel or our parents. But where is she even going? She's been to Texas before.


Maybe Florida?

Instead of making Angel's favorite breakfast, I went back to my room and texted the newly 14 year old.

Gordon's POV

By the time I got home, everyone was somewhat functioning. I may have prolonged my ride by picking up some 'Sorry I didn't tell you about your sister/cousin/grandchild/niece/favorite child leaving' breakfast.

"Good morning beautiful family!" I sang walking into the kitchen. I was met with groans and low 'what's good's. This is exactly what happens when Y/N isn't here.

After we ate the boys were off to football and the girls were off to volleyball. When I tell you I wish I didn't send Y/N away today, I mean it. We sent her today because it was the cheapest flight and her family in Florida was dying to see her. They hadn't seen her in 5 years. We went 2 years ago but Y/N was extremely sick with a high fever. As much as that kid is a piece of work, I do miss her.

"What's up Mr. Hansen?"

"Nothing really, Mrs. Hansen." I replied while wrapping my arms around my wife.

"Usually when everyone is gone you're singing up a storm. What's on your mind?"

"I miss my favorite." I pouted.

"Its been 12 hours Hansen, get a hold of yourself." She laughed and I smiled.

"But I miss her questions. All of them."

"Oh my gosh, that child's first word was why." Milika smiled at the memory. I chuckled. I always called Y/N my little Einstein.

'Why momma' this


'Why Dinahsaur this'

All I got was: 'Hi daddy' and a giggle.

We figured out that she was naturally a daddy's girl and I didn't mind it at all.

"That's why she's my favorite, you can have the rest. I'll be content with Y/N and Vaka." I said as i walked away to get a soda.

"Nononononono you can have Regina and the boys. I'll take the others." She argued.

"Including Dinah?" I questioned with an eyebrow raised. Their relationship is quite comical.

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