The Real Deal

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Ashley's POV

"You basically have a choice." Izzy explained.

She called Y/N and I down to her office to discuss 'important matters'. We've been here 5 minutes and she's finally starting to get somewhere. Y/N seems happier than usual which is good, but I'm nosey.

"Between..." Y/N trailed off waiting for the older woman to continue.

"Tours." Izzy gulped.

"Woah." I gasped with Y/N.

"Yeah, you guys are growing by the second and you have two offers for touring right now. It honestly wouldn't hurt you guys to join a label. It coul-"

"Which tours?" I asked, not wanting to mention labels right now. Izzy sighed before putting on her glasses and clicking something on her computer."

"The Take Me Home Tour."

"One Direction!" I screeched.

"And the Believe Tour."

"Justin Drew Bieber? Nah you're lying to me Iz." Y/N waved her off.

"When have I ever?" Izzy started before she glanced at us. I looked at my business partner and smirked, we both turned back to list off the times she had lied to us. However, she cut us off. "Nope. Never mind I take that back." She shook her head.

"Two tours. That's insane." I sighed.

"I've known you guys long enough to know that right know you are split in your decisions, so my suggestion is the Take Me Home Tour." Izzy started. "The manager in me is screaming the Believe Tour seeing as he is hitting more countries, but the sympatheic Izzy is screaming the Take Me Home Tour because it'll give you guys an ease into tour life."

"The Believe Tour started already, so wouldn't that make it harder for us to adjust?" Y/N questioned.

"Precisely. We would probably have to rush a set list too and you guys just put the EP out." Izzy agreed.

"What about freedom to mess around and stuff?" I asked, glancing at my younger counterpart.

"Now you would honestly probably have more of that with Justin, but we can sit down and discuss that with their manager when you make a decision." Izzy shrugged.

"I'm only 14, what is this nonsense?" Y/N said.

"I trust you Iz." I said completely disregarding the comment from Y/N.

"Yeah me too." Y/N huffed.

"Guess you two are being taken home." Izzy joked.

"No. Just no." I gagged.

"Back to labels..." Izzy trailed off.

This topic never fails to stress me out beyond compare. So when our manager brought it up again I sighed and put my face in my hands. Y/N and I tried having this conversation when we first started making our own music. It didn't start, or end, very well. However, we both came up with a solid solution. We just feared no one would take us seriously, so we kept putting off I guess.

"I got it." Y/N put her hand up, gesturing for me to calm down. She inhaled deeply before continuing. "Ash and I want to start our own label."

"You're both so young an-"

"This is why we didn't wanna bring it up. We knew you'd say that." I groaned, effectively cutting her off.

"Let me finish. I think it's a great idea. I know you're both good on being frugal. Everything would just have to be in Ashley's name." She said truthfully.

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