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Ashley's POV

Y/N has been changing since we've been in New York. It's like there was someone else she was meant to be and this trip is bringing it out. She hasn't done anything crazy or out of hand, but I can tell my best friend isn't the same. She has had constant mood swings, risky behaviors, and she only wants to be around me or by herself. Of course, I've told Izzy about all of this and she said we may have to take Y/N to a therapist. I just hope she's not going through anything I was going through last year.

(Trigger Warning)

You're worthless.

You think your family loves you?

Your boyfriend is only trying to get rid of you.

The Red Bull can't keep you awake, but coke will.

Just give up now.

"Hey, are you okay?" A young girl asked me.

My vision was blurry. I was in front of a 7 eleven, and in all honesty I don't know how long I'd been there. My head was down, and I didn't know I would regret looking up.

"Um, seriously are you ok?" The same girl asked.

"Yeah, I just-"

"Y/N can you take me-Oh, who's this?" Another girl that walked out of 7 eleven asked. At the mention of my best friend's name, my head shot up.

"Ash? Oh my gosh!" Y/N fell to her knees and cried. She hugged me and kept shaking her head. I started to cry too. It's not everyday you find the person closest to you on the side of the road, high on God knows what.


Ever since that day Y/N made sure to check on me nearly every hour. I swear she saved my life that day, and I hope I never have to save hers. I'm just not strong enough.

Y/N is walking back from her morning hike. She's so ripped now it's ridiculous.

"We go back tomorrow. What's your plans?" I asked lightly. Talking to her is like walking on eggshells.

"Record, ball, and sleep." She answered quickly, as if she didn't want to have a conversation. However, I'll always keep pushing.

"What about the fam? What about Lani? What about Chy?" I questioned further. Y/N smiled at the mention of her favorite people. After a moment of silence her smile turned to a frown.

"What about them?" She retorted. Usually, I'd put her in her place but this is the new attitude I'm talking about.

"Just thought after not talking to them for a month you would wanna hug em, kiss em, love em." I chuckled.

"Well, what if they don't wanna hug me, kiss me, love me?" She asked with a slight voice crack toward the end.

"What are you talking about? Everyone of those people loves you more than life itself." I asked in disbelief. Now she had a single tear streaming down her face. Self doubt was never one of Y/N's traits. At least, she never made it known to be one.

"I don't know Ash, I'm just gonna get some rest." She dismissed.

I'm actually scared to go back home. Could Y/N's new attitude have to do with fame, or is there something beyond us?


We landed back in California 10 minutes ago. We were now walking to baggage claim. Y/N wasn't acting too unusual, just a little clingy. I thought it was cute. After grabbing our stuff we shuffled our way toward the exit, where Izzy was waiting for us.

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