What's your relationship?

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It took me a whole night to think things through about what relationship I had with Taehyung. Did he do that to me because the girls told him to do it, or because he likes me. Either way I don't like being kissed by another guy!

I ended up thinking about it all night and getting no sleep at all. My classes start in the morning, so I have to get ready and meet Jimin at the front of the building in a good three minutes tops now that I'm looking at my watch.

Now that I think about it though, Taehyung never came back to the room yesterday. Is it because it's awkward that we're sharing a room, or after I left did he get drunk and pass out somewhere? Well...I don't care what happens to him, he can be passed out in front of the building with only his underwear on for all I care.

Once I finally got changed Jimin was waiting in front of my door which startled me a little as I jumped back a bit and screamed when I saw him.

"Jeez Hoseok, my face isn't that ugly" Jimin says, rubbing his cheeks and pouting at the same time.

"I didn't scream because you're ugly, you just startled me" I say in a sigh, now turning around and locking the door to the room.

"So did you think of any moves we could do to improve the dance we're doing?" Jimin asks, looking at me seriously.

I totally forgot about that since Taehyung was so aggressive with getting me out of the room last night! "Aish, sorry Jimin. I totally forgot, I'm really sorry!" I say, putting my hands together in a praying like position, trying to get his forgiveness.

"It's alright, I don't really care, what we have now is alright anyway. Before class starts lets rehearse and see if we can try getting more in sync." Jimin replies, with both of us now exiting the building.

I nodded, agreeing to him and we both walked to the dancing room, to practice our dance. This room had light brown hardwood floor and mirrors all over the walls to see if you were doing the correct dance moves. Along with a speaker set in the corner of the room to play our music.

As Jimin put on the song we would be dancing to, we started dancing, trying to be as in sync as possible.

As the last minute came around, we finally got in sync and after we were finished the dance we cheered, yelling in the practice room and hugging each other.

"We'll definitely get to perform in front of the school" Jimin exclaims, giving me a high five. With me giving him a high five back, the bell rang.

Once the bell rang Jimin and I both grabbed our bags, Jimin grabbed his phone which was still connected to the loud speakers and we ran out of the practice room to our class which was in the other dance room on the other end of the hall.

When we got to the dance room a thick aura was growing around the room, if anything Jimin and I were a little hesitant to go in. "Why do you think it's like this?" Jimin asks, turning his head to look my way.

I looked back at Jimin giving him a confused look and shrugged my shoulders, how would I know.

When Jimin and I walked into the room, everyone turned their heads to us. But then looked back down on their phones as they continued looking at whatever they were looking at before.

Jungkook, one of our younger friends was in the corner of the practice room, looking at his phone as well so Jimin and I decided to walk up to him, and ask what was up.

As we walked up to Jungkook, he looked up at us a little startled and gave me a scared expression...why was he scared?

"What're you looking at kookie?" Jimin asks, going to Jungkook's side but once he did, Jungkook quickly turned his phone off so Jimin couldn't look at what was on his phone.

Straight to gay? (Vhope fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now