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After Jimin and I finished practicing, I walked back to the room where Taehyung already was, putting some cologne on while looking into the mirror.

I swallowed my saliva, hesitating to say anything to him. What if he ignores me again, thinking I hate him? "T-Thank you Taehyung..." I say, looking down at my feet.

I could see from the corner of my eye, Taehyung turning his head to look at me and he then says "huh?"

"For buying me that drink" I say, still looking down.

I could hear Taehyung starting to stutter now as well as he says "n-no problem!"

"Where're you going?" I ask, now looking up at him who was still holding the cologne bottle in his hand.

Taehyung looked down at the cologne bottle he was holding in one of his hands and then looks up at me like he was surprised and says, "o-oh, you mean this? I was just going out with a couple friends to a party tonight. You wanna come?" He asks, looking at me in a smile.

I couldn't help but blush when he mentioned something about a party and inviting me go with him, because it reminded me about the first time he invited me to a party and how he kissed me there. I can't let something like that happen again! I shake my head like crazy meaning no and he nodded, meaning okay.

"I then sit on the edge of my bed as I look at him and ask "w-when're you coming back?"

"Huh?" He says, looking back at me.

I then realized myself what I had said. Why was I even asking that? I'm sounding like some over protective girlfriend or something! "Nothing I said nothing" I loudly say, taking back what I had said.

I could tell he heard me the first time because he had a little bit of disappointment written on his face, and I could tell he wanted me to ask again, but I'm not giving in!

Five minutes after that conversation ended, Taehyung was ready and putting on his shoes to head out.

"Have fun" I say as Taehyung was opening to door to leave the room.

Taehyung nodded meaning he would and left the room, closing the door behind him. Once he left, I flopped down onto my bed, facing the ceiling.

As Taehyung left the room, it was like butterflies were flying around in my stomach. It feels different around him. Why do I feel like this around him and not around Jimin or Jungkook?

I...I could be gay...wait, no I can't be gay, I like women! B-But if that's so, then why am I having these feelings for someone like him?

I sit up as I look at my backpack which I had placed beside my bed beforehand and opened it up. Pulling out the empty coffee can that Taehyung had bought for me.

Even when I looked at garbage like that it made my heart flutter and my cheeks heat up, but why, it's garbage! I-Is is because...Taehyung bought it for me?

Ugh, I swear I'm going crazy! While thinking that, I place the can back into my backpack and lie down on my bed so I was facing the ceiling yet again. I really should have asked when he was coming back.

Minutes passed and minutes then soon turned into hours with how long Taehyung was out for, he's probably drunk somewhere, partying with his friends. But why am I waiting for him like this??

And it's two in the morning as well. Later on is the performance I'm doing with Jimin, I should be sleeping now! Getting a good night's rest for the performance tomorrow, but I'm up waiting for Taehyung to get back.

After a couple more minutes of me just looking up at the ceiling, Taehyung finally entered the room and as he did I quickly sat up and looked at him as he walked more into the room.

Straight to gay? (Vhope fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now