will you go out with me?

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I couldn't tell him I just broke up with my girlfriend, and it was because of him! It's embarrassing just saying my relationship couldn't last a day, but to say we broke up because she was interested in him the whole time is even more painful!

I wiped a couple more tears and I then felt Taehyung's hand on my shoulder.

"Hoseok...tell me what's wrong" Taehyung says. Even though I wasn't looking at his face, I could tell how serious he was with the tone of voice he was using.

I thought he was mad at me when he went storming out of the room yesterday...why is he so caring...he's already over me, so what's the point on him caring. I shook my head meaning I didn't want to tell him and bit my bottom lip, holding myself back from sobbing.

Taehyung then moved my head so I was looking up at him and as I was looking at him with tears rushing down my face, he was looking at me seriously as he says "tell me."

I wanted to turn my head away but he had a stronger grip than I thought.

"Tell me, who made you cry?" Taehyung asks in the same serious tone.

I couldn't hold it in anymore, I then let out a big cry as I say "I-I'm....I'm only crying because...because I broke up with my girlfriend!"

As I let that out, Taehyung let go of my head and I bent my back so my face was in my hands and I cried even harder. "It didn't even last a day, and she didn't even like me!" I exclaim, letting everything out. Not like I'm going to tell him he's the reason we broke up.

I then looked up at Taehyung because he became really quiet and as I looked up at him he had a smirk on his face!

Wah he's really something! He sees me crying because I just broke up with my girlfriend and he's smiling about it!?

If he's not going to comfort me, I might as well just let out my sorrows somewhere else! I then get up and turn around, tears still rushing down my cheeks but Taehyung grabbed me by the shoulder to stop me from walking.

"What?" I ask, but before I could say anything after that, he turns me around and brings me into a big hug, wrapping me in his arms.

I blushed a light pink, my heart started to thump and my tears stopped...

"I'm sorry...you broke up with your girlfriend" Taehyung says, squeezing me even tighter.

So...he does care? With me in his embrace I felt warm and safe, like I was hugging someone who could protect me.

It was like my body was moving on its own because before I knew it, my arms were wrapped around him as well, tightly hugging him back.

I nuzzled my head into his shoulder and took in his wonderful scent as I smelled the scent of his shampoo coming from his hair.

Taehyung then started to rub my back and I calmed down more than before, but my heart started to thump so hard that it kind of hurt.

"You okay now, Hoseok?" Taehyung asks me in a gentle voice and I slowly nodded, meaning yes, but kept my head on his shoulder.

Taehyung sounds so much more gentle than usual...In my opinion, I can't even see Taehyung as a soft gentle guy, but right now...I have a whole new look on him...he's actually not...so bad.

We stayed there in each other's embrace for fifteen minutes, not saying anything until I pulled away from him because my legs started to get tired and I looked down at the floor. It was a little embarrassing to look up at him now since we just hugged for so long.

"T-Thanks Taehyung...for...you know, calming me down" I say, a little shy as I looked down to the ground.

Taehyung then answers "no problem."

Straight to gay? (Vhope fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now