Movie night

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Once class ended, the only thing on my mind was the movie night Jungkook was holding in his room later on tonight. It wouldn't be bothering me so much if Taehyung wasn't coming, but he is and that's what's making me even more cautious.

"You okay Hoseok?" Jimin asks, slapping me on the back, I guess to get me out of thought and I nod my head meaning yes...I don't want them thinking something's wrong.

Jungkook then smiled, saying "I'm going to the store to get some things for tonight, like, to buy some snacks and stuff like that...I'll see you two tonight" Jungkook says in a smile, waving goodbye to Jimin and I and we both waved bye back. 

Jimin and I were both walking out of the school together when Yoongi came by JImin's side and started walking next to him and Jimin suddenly said he had to go.

"Okay...well, bye" I say, waving goodbye to Jimin and Yoongi as they both walked away so I was just left alone.

What am I supposed to do by myself?! It's boring being by myself...this is why I need more friends. I then look off to a side to see Taehyung who was heading my way with a smile on his face. 

The smile he had on his face was the smile he always gave me when he wanted to tease me or make fun of me, so as soon as I saw that expression I quickly turned around and ran away, trying to run into the school before Taehyung could get any closer to me. The last thing I need is to get more embarrassed in front of my peers by Taehyung, giving them false assumptions that I'm gay. 

Right when I was about to run back inside the school Taehyung had caught up to me and stopped me by holding my wrist so I couldn't move.

"Let go of me Taehyung" I exclaim, trying to get out of Taehyung's grip but he just looked at me in a smile. 

"What, can I not hold you?" Taehyun asks, giving me a little pout but I turned my head away so I couldn't see his expression.

"N-No, you can't...people already think we're both gay, the rumors will get worse if you're holding me like this, everyone will misunderstand!" I exclaim, now successfully getting my hand back and bringing it to my chest. 

"So what, who cares what they think...they only think you're gay anyway" Taehyung explains but that made me confused.

"Then what does everyone think about need two people to make out, and you were the other dude I was making out with...why do people not think you're gay?" I ask him, looking a little confused. 

"Because I'm bisexual, I go either way and I'm pretty open about it too. Everyone already knows I'm bisexual so everyone thinks you're just gay." Taehyung explains. 

"Y-You're bisexual?!" I repeat, a little shocked while looking at him seriously.

"Yeah, what, you got a problem with that?" Taehyung asks.

I shake my head meaning no and direct my gaze back to the Yoongi was right, he is bisexual. I then thought back to what Jimin had said, how he said...Taehyung was...'out for my ass.'

Knowing he's bisexual now, could true?! I then look up at Taehyung, giving him a scared look and then put my two hands over my butt. 

"What, why do you look so scared?" Taehyung asks, now sounding a little more sincere. 

"Nothing!" I exclaim, now turning around and running away, back to the dorms so I could get into my room and think things through. 

So Taehyung is, no...I shouldn't be thinking about Taehyung, I have more things to worry about! I should be preparing for Jungkook's movie night tonight. I have to pack things like movies to suggest and to be a nice guest I need to bring something like chips or candy. I then look around the room to see if I had brought any movies back from home that we could watch in Jungkook's room.

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