"I don't like him!"

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After Taehyung left the room he came back a couple hours later, I was going to talk to him about things and what happened this morning, how I didn't want everyone thinking we were gay because I sure wasn't.

As I heard Taehyung open the door, I then say "Taehyung" running to him, but he had some girl wrapped around his arm. I thought he said he was going to try getting with me, why is he with some girl?

Wait, wait, why am I sounding so jealous...this is weird.

"Yes Hoseok?" Taehyung asks, looking at me in a smile.

I looked at him a little flustered and a bit embarrassed as I turned around and say "nothing, it's nothing."

"Oh, sorry I wouldn't have come if I knew he was here." The girl says, looking at Taehyung.

I then look back at the girl confused, saying a little "huh?"

"You're gay aren't you? That video of you and Taehyung, you were both making out with each other." The girl says, sounding a little confused.

Taehyung looked at me in a smile and I shook my head, meaning no as I say "no, no, no, I'm not gay! Why would I be gay!? I like women, we were both just drunk!" I exclaim, looking at the girl, then at Taehyung with both of them just staring at me.

It's so embarrassing...being stared at like some freak! The girl was looking at me like I was some weirdo, and Taehyung...he was just giving me a sly smile, like he was taunting me.

"Ah, I'll leave you two alone!" I exclaims, rushing past them and leaving the room, going outside onto campus.

By now it was pretty dark out and the moon was in the sky...I didn't know it was so late at night...ugh. Why does Taehyung want to do this to me? What did he mean by what he said earlier? If he really meant that, why'd he bring a girl back? To get me jealous?!

Ugh, why's this bugging me!

I then decide to sit down on one of the nearby park benches and look up at the sky. I wish I could always have time like this. Time for myself, to think about things I want to think about, not about things that worry me like Taehyung. Jeez he's annoying.

Right then I hear someone coming up behind me...maybe it's just my imagination. I am in a dark place, I'm probably just thinking things...but then someone put both their hands on either side of my shoulders saying "boo!" Which made me jump a little and scream.

I could then hear laughter coming from behind me and as I turned around it was Jimin. He's always doing things like this to freak me out!

Jimin then decided to sit next to me on the bench as he asks me "why'd you leave so suddenly when we were eating?"

"Didn't you think it was embarrassing what Taehyung did earlier, everyone was staring! Even people who weren't at our table were staring at us!" I exclaim, looking at Jimin like he was totally crazy for not noticing.

"He was just trying to be nice I guess. But Hoseok, be totally honest with me. What is your relationship with Taehyung?" Jimin asks which made me even madder.

"Jimin stop asking me what relationship I have with Taehyung! I'm straight, I like women, I like boobs!" I say in frustration...well, I didn't really mean to say 'I like boobs' out in the open like that, it just...came out.

"Are you sure Hoseok, because it's like Taehyung likes you." Jimin says, looking at me with a little smile creeping onto his face.

I lightly slap his cheek to get the smirk off of his face and chuckle nonchalantly as I say "are you crazy, Taehyung, likes me?!" I then remembered what he did to me before and blushed a light pink.

Straight to gay? (Vhope fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now