his touch

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WARNING: This chapter has smut in it. I will warn you when that part comes up, but if you're under 18 and are reading this, when that warning comes up, you should stop reading. I'm not going to force you to stop reading if you don't want to, I just don't want you ruining your innocents too soon, but hey, you do you. 

Once I agreed she smiled and says "oh, m-my name is Jeong."

She sounded nervous just saying her name to me which made me smile a bit...she really did like me and it was kinda cute to see that.

"W-Well...I'll see you tomorrow...do you mind if I...you know...give you my number?" She asks, looking at me in a smile. 

I nodded, taking her phone from her hands and putting my number inside, then saying "I'll text you later." 

As I said that, she took her phone back and scurried away with a smile on her face, she really did seem into me and it made me happy seeing someone so into me...but the feeling of love...isn't there... 

At the same time I then text Jimin and Jungkook, saying the same thing "guys, I finally got a girlfriend!" 

Jungkook didn't reply after I had sent it but Jimin replied one second later and asks "really, how?!" 

"She asked me out dumbass!" I say through text, putting my phone back in my pocket right after but another buzz came from it, meaning Jimin replied. 

Knowing Jimin he was probably just making fun of me for finally getting a girlfriend so I ignored his text and continued making my way to my room humming a tune of joy. 

*Taehyung's POV*

I lay back down on my bed, facing the ceiling...I know Hosoek's straight...but I can't help but like him. I know it's never good liking some straight dude because they always turn out to have a girlfriend in the end...but what girl would want to go out with Hosoek. 

Sure he's a little popular now but the popularity will dim down in a week or two and he'll be back to how he normally was, a nobody and I can start my attack again.

Right then and there he came walking into the room and I quickly sat up, looking back at the door and watching him taking off his shoes. 

After Hoseok was done taking off his shoes and looked up, he had a smile on his face which got me a little confused...why was he smiling...did something happen? 

Warning: smut starts here. 18+ should keep reading. If you're younger than 18 and or don't like smut, don't continue reading. 

I then get up off my bed and walk towards him so we were now face to face, inches apart from each other. 

As I got closer to him, his smile faded and he had a serious expression, his eyes went shaky and I could see him swallowing his saliva. 

I then gave a sly smile, pinning him onto the wall which he was standing in front of and put one hand next his head, onto the wall. 

Once my hand slammed into the wall he jumped, getting a little startled but I liked the reaction...I don't care if he ends up hating me...as he told me...he'll never like me so I might as well get the most of it now.

"T-Taehyung" he says in a light stutter, looking at me into my eyes. 

I could see his eyes still shaking and then directed my gaze down onto his quivering, plump lips. 

They looked soft and kissable...so pure and lovable...I want them. 

I then look back up into Hoseok's eyes which he was still staring back at me and I then kiss him, closing my eyes. 

Straight to gay? (Vhope fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now