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Hoseok's mother then says "don't tell me...are you two.... dating?"

Hoseok and my eyes both open wider in shock as we looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

"Hoseok, are you dating another male?" His father asks and even the siblings were staying quiet to hear what Hoseok had to say.

Hoseok didn't know what to say and kept his head down. I looked at Hoseok and then down into my lap as I says a faint "sorry..."

"Sorry, why're you sorry?" Hoseok's mother asks in a smile.

Hoseok and I then both look up at the same time and had a confused expression on both our faces.

"What do you mean, mom?" Hoseok asks, confused.

"If you love him that's all that matters, its good that you're finally dating! You've been single ever since I gave birth to you, it's nice you have someone to...you know, do things with." His mother says in a smile.

"Umma, don't say that around the kids!" Hoseok exclaims, embarrassed.

"Don't worry, they don't know what I'm talking about" Hoseok's mother says in a smile.

Hoseok still blushed a light pink as he turned his head to hide his blush.

I then looked at all Hoseok's siblings and some siblings knew that we were a couple now and some were still confused about the situation.

Even though they said they were okay with Hoseok and I dating, I couldn't help but still feel a thick atmosphere.

I then say "um...I'm going to go outside for a bit" leaving the table and going outside to catch my breath.

Hosoek's family is totally different from mine, its weird to see such an open, welcoming family to new things...its odd.

"Taehyung, you okay?" I could hear Hoseok ask from behind me and as I turned around, I saw Hoseok opening the door to come outside and stood next to me.

"Ugh yeah, it's just a little awkward... that's all..." I say while looking down.

"It's alright, my family's okay with us being together." Hoseok says in a smile.

"That's the weird thing, they didn't appose to it like most parents would do..." I say looking down.

"What, are you saying you my parents should have apposed to us being together?" Hoseok asks, a little confused.

"No, that's not what I'm saying" I say in am angry tone.

"Then what are you trying to say cause I don't get it?" Hoseok asks.

"Nothing, I'm going for a walk." I say as I turn around and start to walk away.

"Taehyung!" I could hear Hoseok call out from behind me but I ignored him.

Why am I getting so upset about it that Hoseok's parents didn't appose to him being gay or for our relationship....

Maybe I'm just jealous since....since my parents didn't except me being this way but his parents excepted him so easily.

*Hoseok's POV*

As I watched Taehyung walk down the side of the road I couldn't help but sigh to myself. Would he even know how to get back?!

I then go back inside to where everyone was still eating around the table and my mother then asks "is Taehyung alright?"

"Yeah, he just went for a walk" I say in a long sigh, sitting back down in my seat.

Straight to gay? (Vhope fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now