Breaking up

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*Hoseok's POV*

W-Why was he so surprised that I got a girlfriend...did he not think I could do it because that just makes me mad...but...he also seemed a little upset. I understand that he liked me and all but why was he that upset? 

It is getting pretty late outside as well...should I call Jungkook or someone to go and find, he'll come back at one point I might as well just leave him.


As I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock I turn my head to look at Taehyung's bed and there was no one sleeping in it...did he not come back last night at all?

Should I have called, he'll definitely show up to class, it's not like he can skip it, he's crazy if he does!

As I got up and got changed and ready for school, once I was fully dressed and ready, I grab my backpack and head out. 

"Hosoek, you walking to class with me?" Jimin calls out from behind and I then turn around to the sound of his voice. 

As Jimin was asking me that he was waving his hand in the air and I smile back nodding my head. Jimin then asks "so you got a girlfriend, finally?" 

"Yeah I couldn't believe it either when she asked me out...this is the first time someone has ever asked me out...I'm a little nervous" I say looking down at my shoes as I walk. 

"There's nothing to worry about, all relationships are the same. Just give her whatever she wants" Jimin says in chuckle and I had a confused expression on. 

"Really, that's all it takes to please a girl?" I ask him. 

"I don't know I've never dated a girl before...but probably...they like chocolates right, get her something like roses or chocolates, whatever you straight couples get each other" Jimin says while waving his hand a little. 

"What do you mean 'what you straight couples get each other' what do you get for Yoongi?" I ask, now directing my gaze off the ground and looking at him. 

Jimin then mischievously smiled at me as he says "condoms."

"Wah you're really something" I say, pushing Jimin a bit in a playful matter and he stumbled a bit to the side. 

"What about Taehyung, how did you tell him, did he act any different towards you yesterday?" Jimin asks me, curious on how Taehyung would have reacted.

I looked down thinking about yesterday and how when I told him he got angry and upset and left the room, still not back yet. I just explained that to Jimin and Jimin deeply sighed. 

"What, what's wrong?" I ask Jimin, looking at him confused. 

"He really liked you shouldn't have told him just yet..." Jimin explains. 

"I didn't want to hide it from him" I say in a tiny tiny, if I didn't tell him, Taehyung would keep harassing me, but it's not like I can tell Jimin about Taehyung's harassing me or that's another thing he can make fun of me about. 

"Do you have any clue where he is now, he could be out somewhere upset" Jimin asks me. 

"I don't have a clue...but he'll probably be in class, right?" I ask, like Jimin would know. 

"Of course he wouldn't be in class, he just got his heart broken, why would he be alright with it?!" Jimin asks, talking to me like I didn't have a heart. 

"Okay, okay, jeez" I say, rolling my eyes.

Right when I was looking to a side something caught my attention which made me a little shocked...Taehyung was entering campus again with a girl wrapped around his he wasn't effected by me getting a girlfriend, he was with some girl the whole night, he's unbelievable, making me feel bad and thinking something's wrong!

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