"I don't hate you"

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*Hoseok's POV*

Jeez, why did Taehyung have to do that to me, he knows I don't want people thinking I'm gay, and he had to do it in front of my friends! It's like he hates me more than he has an 'interest' in me. 

I was sitting beside the outside of the dorm, in the dark. It doesn't help that it's freezing cold outside either, but I'd rather stay out here than be inside the same room as him.

"Hoseok, Hoseok!" I could hear someone yell...probably Jimin. It's better if no one talks to me. How can I ever face Jimin again, he just witnessed me kissing a man, for real this time!

Jimin then found me as he looked down at me, sitting cross legged with my back against the wall. "You okay Hoseok?" He asks me, now crouching down so we were face to face. 

I turn my head so I wasn't looking at him but I could tell Jimin was giving me a serious expression. "I'm sorry you had to see that..." I mumble before looking down into my lap. 

Jimin sighed as he says "you really think I care if you kiss a man or a women?!" 

"N-No...but you know I don't like men and you just witnessed me kissing a man. You might think that I'm lying to you and think something's going on between Taehyung and I...but I seriously don't like him Jimin!" I exclaims, with a tear rushing down my cheek. 

Jimin then sighed once again as he says "Hoseok, I know you're not gay, you've told me multiple times so I'll believe you." Jimin says in a smile, rubbing my shoulder.

I then look up at him with a smile, saying "thanks."

Jimin then continues to say "well now that we're on the topic of being gay, I have something to tell you...Yoongi and I are actually going out." 

"I knew there was something up between you two!" I exclaims looking at him seriously! I knew my instincts were correct.

Once I got up, Jimin got up with me and we walked back into the dorm together and Jimin dropped me off in front of my room. "You sure you going to be okay?" Jimin asks me, looking at me seriously. 

I nod meaning yes and sigh as I turn around and unlock the door, then opening it and heading inside. 

"You're back?" Taehyung asks me, looking at me form over his shoulder. 

His voice sounded really rusty and his eyes looked pink and puffy...was he crying, but why? 

I nod meaning I was back and go to my drawer, taking my clothes out so I could get changed for bed. 

"I'll be in the washroom" I say before leaving the room to go into the washroom to wash my face and brush my teeth, on top of that changing into my pajamas. 

But why was Taehyung crying? Even though I dislike him more and more each day, I can't help but think about him and be worried about him. Was it because one of his 'girlfriends' broke up with him? Probably. 

Once I was finished in the washroom, I walked back into the bedroom and wanted to ask Taehyung why he was crying but at the same time I didn't. 

"I'm going to sleep now" I quickly say, turning the lights off and getting into bed, covering my head with the covers. 

As much as I tried I couldn't go to bed, I wanted to fall asleep but at the same time I didn't want Taehyung sneaking back into my bed again. 

I looked at my side desk to see my alarm clock saying it was three in the morning...jeez. I have morning classes too, I should be asleep but no, I'm staying on guard in case I get attacked in the middle of the night again! But I guess Taehyung's sleeping. 

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