Going out

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I then look at Taehyung and he was staring back into my eyes and it was like everything around us stopped. My heart was beating faster and I could feel a smile arising onto my face.

Once I realized I was smiling, I looked down and tried hiding it, looking at both our shoes and I nod, meaning yes.

As I nodded, I then looked up at Taehyung to see his reaction and he was just as shocked and as he looked at me, it was like he didn't know what to say. "T-Taehyung..." I say in a stutter, trying to get him out of his zoned out state.

Taehyung then snapped back to reality as he looked at me with a smile on his face and hugged me tightly, holding me in both his arms.

I could smell the same scent of shampoo that I smelt earlier and I smiled, hugging him back, leaning my head on his shoulder.

I then realized that we were hugging like that out in public for everyone to see and I quickly pushed myself away from him.

"We should do this later...we're in public" I say to Taehyung, looking down at the ground.

"I don't want to do it later though" Taehyung says in a whiny tone which made me smile.

"People will start making rumors Taehyung...and I don't want people knowing I'm gay" I say, looking at him seriously.

"Fine, let's go to Jungkook and Namjoon's room then, we'll all meet up in there" Taehyung says to me as he held my hand, dragging me back into the dorm.

I could already feel the dark red spreading across my cheeks with how hot they were getting which was really embarrassing!

Once we both got in front of Jungkook and Namjoon's bedroom door, Taehyung knocked a couple times and Jungkook finally answered, looking back from Taehyung and I.

Jungkook then noticed Taehyung and I holding hands and he started to smile as he says "s-o, you guys are going out now?"

Taehyung nodded meaning yes and Jungkook hugged Taehyung in congratulation, then moving himself out of the way for Taehyung and myself to walk inside.

"Text Jimin and Yoongi to come as well" Taehyung says, looking at me but I was already on it, already texting Jimin to come with Yoongi.

"Seokjin's here as well?" Taehyung asks, looking at Seokjin who was sitting on Namjoons bed and Namjoon nodded, on his own phone.

A couple minutes later, Jimin and Yoongi both knock on the door and as Jungkook opened the door for them, Jimin walked into the room, looking at me and then at Taehyung.

I could tell he was curious on if Taehyung and I were dating now or not and I just smiled at him and nodded.

Good thing he knew what I meant because he then gave me a thumbs up before sitting cross legged beside me.

"So, why're we all in Jungkook and my room?" Namjoon asks, looking at everyone else other than Jungkook.

"Because Hoseok and I have something to say" Taehyung says in a loud, cheery voice.

Everyone staid quiet and Taehyung then announces "Hoseok and I are now dating!"

"Finally" I could hear Yoongi say in a mumble behind me and I just looked back at him in a glare.

"I knew Hoseok liked you Taehyung, I knew he'd say yes!" Jungkook says, trying to prove his point.

"Yeah, yeah, well now Hoseok and I are dating so everyone else keep their paws off cause he's mine!" Taehyung exclaims, bringing me closer to him by wrapping his arm around me.

Straight to gay? (Vhope fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now