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Once the next day came, Taehyung was the only thing in my head and it was like I couldn't get him out. He was all I was thinking about!

"Hoseok you missed another step, stay focused!" The teacher calls out, looking back at me with a glare.

"Sorry" I quietly say, bowing my head in apology.

Once class was over, Taehyung said he wanted to bring me on a date and he would pick me up in front of the dorms since he'd be ready before hand.

"Hoseok, do you want to come see a movie with Yoongi and I, its the movie we've all been waiting to see in theaters!" Jimin asks me with a smile on his face.

"Sorry Jimin, I'm going out with Taehyung today" I say, apologizing to him.

"Ever since you and Taehyung started dating, you've been together twenty four seven!" Jimin exclaims in a complain.

"Jimin...Taehyung and I just started dating yesterday" I say with a dull expression on my face.

"Yeah but even in the morning when I usually talk to you in class you were most likely with him, and you were late to class too!" Jimin huffs.

"Now you're sounding jealous" I say teasingly, poking his shoulder.

"Why wouldn't I be jealous, you're my best friend and its weird not always having you with me..." Jimin says in a pout.

I never knew Jimin cared this much for me since he always teases me...

"I'll see it on Saturday with the both of you, alright?" I ask in a smile and Jimin simply nodded.

As I left Jimin to go to the dorm and freshen myself up from sweating and dancing I take a quick shower and change my clothes.

I get into a dark red plaid shirt with a white shirt underneath and black skinny jeans. I then put on my black converse and a black hat to top it all off.

Once I spray a little bit of cologne on, I then look into the mirror before I leave but as I looked at was like...something wasn't right.

Am I Is all of this real? Isn't it wrong to like another man? Questions like that started to randomly come to my head which confused me.

I then shook off the feeling of discomfort and grabbed my black backpack before heading out.

As I got to the front of the dorm, Taehyung was waiting for me in a smile and I smiled back at him, waving my hand a bit once I saw him.

"You look nice" he says to me in a smile once I was close enough to hear him.

"Thanks..." I say while looking down at my feet, I could already feel my face staring to heat up.

"Come on, let's go!" Taehyung says, leading the way off of campus.

"So where are we going?" I ask out of curiosity.

"We're going to the mall, I'm taking you shopping." Taehyung replies bluntly.

"S-Shopping?! You don't have to spend money on me Taehyung!" I exclaim, not wanting him to waist his money on me.

"I want to" Taehyung says while turning his head to look at me in a smile.

My heart thumped as I saw him smile at me and I didn't know what to say once again so I just looked down.

"You look down too much, look up, I want to see your face" Taehyung says to me and I immediately looked up at his demand.

Once I looked up I could hear him chuckling and I pout a bit, asking "what?"

Straight to gay? (Vhope fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now