Finding resolve at the depths of hell

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"Orochimaru-sama, we are ready to begin"

"Excellent Kabuto... Then start it without any delaysss..."

In the corner of the darkened room, chains lay rooted to the stone wall... Chained to the wall was a 10 year old girl...

The sound of chains rattling filled the room. Orochimaru smiled. His long snake-like tongue was quivering with excitement. The room would soon be filled with spine-chilling screams.

The chained girl tried in vain to free herself from the chains... Even if she could free herself, what could she do? Orochimaru was an opponent beyond her abilities... But she would love to kill Kabuto just as much. Anything just to wipe that smirk off his face...

Her attention snapped back to reality when she saw Orochimaru's pale white face inches away from hers. He whispered in a hissing tone terrifyingly close to her ears...

" You are ssspecial... I shall bestow upon you the gift that accompanies the favour of a god-"

She felt like screaming out her mind. He wasn't a god! He was a monster... Or to be accurate, a demon. Orochimaru realised what she was thinking and chuckled evilly before finally doing what he set out to...

With one hand he caught the trembling girl's shoulder in a tight grip and the other hand forcibly pulled her head back by clutching at her hair. The girl suddenly stopped trying to resist... She was so scared, she could no longer move...

Orochimaru deliberately breathed down her neck, letting her get immersed in fear. Kabuto,on the other hand, was keenly looking at the girl not willing to miss a moment of this 'entertaining' event.

Then Orochimaru finally did it... He sunk his fangs deep down her neck... Almost close to her shoulder blade. The girl was visibly shaking. Withdrawing for a moment, he once again bit down at the same spot, feeling a little bit of blood trickle down onto her sleeves...

"Kabuto, make sssure to lock her up.Let usss see if she can survive till the morning. If she diesss... Well then she wasss simply trash to begin with..."

Kabuto chuckled at the girl before closing the room... Not forgetting to blow out the candle.

Gasp... Gasp... Gasp...
The girl was panting heavily. But it didn't even begin to describe the sensation she felt... She felt the pain tear through every cell of her body.


Why must she be put through all this?

Was there any meaning in her being alive?

That creep was only being interested in her scarlet eyes...

The pain was getting too horrible...

She wanted to end it...

Even if it meant taking her own life...

The pitch black room made minutes seem like hours... Initially she thought there was absolute silence... Then she realised that if she concentrated, she could barely make out the conversation Orochimaru was having with Kabuto.

"It'sss too bad... The girl does have those eyesss but she won't do... The eyes become ineffective if I remove them from her. Her blood is needed if I want the eyes to function properly... "

"what shall we do then, Orochimaru-sama?"

"Sssimple... We shall go after that Sasuke brat"

"But... Won't we face the same problems with his eyes too?"

"No... I intend to takeover hisss body completely... That way I would get the eyesss and a younger body which shall be able to handle 'that' ability... Her body isss that of a woman... It is weak..."

From the rest of the conversation, she could figure out that she had a distant cousin named Sasuke. Orochimaru intended to get his body so as to be able to use the Uchiha clan's Kekkei Genkai(bloodline limit- a ninja technique passed on by the parent to their child). But all this didn't matter to her...

She had someone related...

She had someone to protect...

Someone who would look at her...

Someone she could call family...

The last time she had used the word family was before a ninja from the Uchiha ninja slaughtered all the members of the Uchiha Clan. She had only been three years old at that time...

Then this creep had come to the ruins and picked her up...

But it seemed that this 'sasuke' person had somehow escaped being killed... And he lived in Konoha,the hidden village of leaves...

There was only one thing to do... Find Sasuke...

Scarlet Eyes - A naruto fanfiction (Under Re-write!)Where stories live. Discover now