Welcome to Konoha

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"Lord third, I have a visitor"

"Come in"

Yurika felt curious. The voice sounded soft... Yet firm...

Walking in, she found a man in his seventies. He sat on a desk which had 'fire'written on it. Kind of expected... Konoha village was the ninja village of the land of fire.

On left side, there were papers related to the administration of the village. On the right were missions divided into five categories: D,C,B,A and S using difficulty level as a basis. Behind him were a group of ninjas who were either there for his protection or for aiding the Hokage in his tasks.

The Hokage observed her carefully before he finally turned to the ninja who had escorted Yurika in. Kotetsu. He asked the man to take all the others outside the office. The others looked surprised for a moment, glancing anxiously at the Hokage and at Yurika. Finally, deciding that the Hokage could protect himself from a 10 year old kid, they left the room...

Start of conversation (between Yurika and Hokage)

Hokage: So what do you want child?

Yurika: I wished to know... Does Uchiha Sasuke live in this village?

(The Hokage was a bit hesitant... But then he realised that she does not mean harm)

Hokage: Indeed he does... So what business do you have with him?

Yurika: I am Kazezawa Yurika. I have some confidential business with him.

Hokage: I see... Shall I summon him here then?

Yurika: I....

Hokage: So where do you come from?

Yurika: I-I don't know...

Hokage: So where shall you go after meeting Sasuke?

(The girl became more and more withdrawn as the conversation went on... )

Yurika: I can understand why you are unwilling to trust me... Perhaps this would help...

(She took off her glasses and closed her eyes for a moment. When she reopened them, they were a beautiful shade of scarlet... The exact shade of blood red.)

Hokage: Those eyes are beautiful... So does that mean you have some relation to the Uchiha Clan?

Yurika: I dont know... As far as I remember, my mother said that I had part Otsutsuki clan genes and part Kazezawa clan genes... I don't ever remember having anything in relation to Uchiha Clan...

(The Hokage who had been sitting casually jerked into seriousness... His widened eyes regarding her with interest. )

Yurika: Hokage-sama... The truth is that I don't have anywhere to go... Sasuke might be the only one who has to key to who I am..."

Hokage: I see... So that is your reason for finding Sasuke... I understand. In that case you are welcome to stay on the one condition that you will become a Konoha ninja."

Yurika: I accept it... Hokage-sama

End of conversation

The Hokage was shocked by the information. Could she really belong to that Ōtsutsuki clan? How come? But it made some sense that way since all the three great dojutsus started with the Otsutsuki clan...and she does have one of the dojutsu, Sharingan to prove it. But...how? Kaguya Ōtsutsuki had two sons who later founded Hyuga and Uchiha clan...

Though it seemed likely she must be descendant of someone who had Sharingan before the clan was named Uchiha. In that case... He would have to keep a very close eye on her... Not to mention, it would be better to keep all that she just told him... A complete secret...

Yurika went to the apartment allotted to her. Her room was on the third floor, the highest floor of that apartment. The floor had two flats: one of them belonged to her now and the the resident of the other flat was unknown to her.

He explained to her that she would be given an allowance for a month. In that one month, she had to graduate from Konohagakure (Konoha village's academy). If she could, then she could get assigned into teams and start accepting missions... The money given by the client for the mission would be the salary which would be divided among the team members. This money would help her bear her spending expenses...

She decided to shopping for clothes first... Since she would have to attend school for a month.

She covered her face with a fox mask... ANBU( the village's elite police force) wore a mask to conceal their identity... Then she could too...

She stepped into a clothing store and started trying to mix and match outfits to get the one which will suit her..

She finally decided on a red uniform which is sleeveless at her right arm and a lapel over her right leg, the brown flak jacket, fishnet tights and a skirt over them. She also decided wears regular shinobi sandals and a pair of gloves.

A month later...

Taking permission from the Hokage, she spent most of the time on self study and practicing the basic jutsus by herself in empty areas. When she had to attend classes, she close to cover her face with her white porcelain mask... Not interested in revealing her identity yet...

But she found out a bit about the Uchiha massacre. Uchiha Itachi apparently killed every member of the Uchiha Clan with the exception of his younger brother Sasuke... So perhaps he was the one who tried killing her too...

She tried researching on the Otsutsuki clan but couldn't make out any connections... All that she found were folklore and fables...

The one more thing she found interesting was the story of the nine tailed fox which was currently sealed inside a the hyperactive blond boy with blue eyes, Uzumaki Naruto...

She decided to take ample rest... Since she would have her final exams tomorrow...

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