The chuunin exams : part -2

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The quartet had signed the will and entered the arena through the designated gate. We were given the earth scroll.

Typically a little into the arena, they were attacked...with the attacker posing to be Naruto.

Luckily Sasuke had made a pass speech that ensured that the found out the culprit. Unfortunately the attacker didn't have the scroll on him.

Ignoring him, after beating him up, team seven went on...only to be countered with a huge gust of wind...that blew Naruto and Yurika away...

Yurika P.O.V

I had landed carefully on my toes while Naruto hit the tree trunk with a 'wham'. In front of us was a huge snake...

I activated my Sharingan and was about to attack it when my eyes registered something else...that insane chakra... It couldn't be!

But... Kabuto being here meant that there really was a high chance of him being here...

"Naruto! We need to run! Sasuke-san is in grave danger!"

Naruto nodded at me with a serious expression. I wished to use my mangekyo against this snake...but then I would lose my chakra even before meeting that person...

Naruto: Yurika-chan, I'll handle the snake. You go and save teme and Sakura-chan!

I couldn't! How could I let the boy kill himself for others? I-

Naruto: Yurika-chan! Go!

I closed my eyes and ran away...tears forming in my eyes... Stay safe Naruto...or I'll follow you to the depths of hell just to torture you...

General P.O.V

Naruto looked at Yurika with a surprised expression. She was always calm and casual. She wasn't emo like teme but she wasn't cheerful either. To make that Yurika show such a face of anxiety... It really must be a serious issue.

He asked her to go ahead. He saw as Yurika ran away with tears in her eyes. She was reluctant and hesitant to leave him... Naruto smiled. Yurika is truly kind...

General P.O.V

Yurika ran towards Sasuke and Sakura only to find them on their knees.

Just as she thought... The killing intent that this woman was displaying was overwhelming Sakura and Sasuke...especially the latter because he already had bad experiences due to the Uchiha massacre.

Sakura had never faced someone like this either. Yurika stood in front of them and held out her Kunai.

" Walk away from here."


She saw Sasuke remove a kunai and plunge it into his left thigh. The pain helped clear his mind. But for some reason it was Yurika who started shaking.

Yurika: Are you after Sasuke?

The woman gave a creepy smile and swallowed her heaven's scroll whole. Sakura watched in disgust at her snake-like manners.

Sasuke: You know her?

Yurika: Her? This disgusting creature is won't understand... but just leave it to me

Sakura: Are you crazy? She has the heaven's scroll. We just need to defeat her and clear the exam. Why should we run?

Yurika gave a full glare that made Sakura flinch. Yurika has never glared at anyone. Sasuke looked confused as to why she wanted them to avoid this opponent...

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