The finals : Part 2 - Fateful Reunion and a requiem

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Yurika P.OV

Yukio:'s been a long time since we saw each has life been treating you?

Yurika: really is you...

I looked on in shock at my opponent. It wasn't Mizushima was Matsudaira Yukio. I never thought I'd meet him...and especially not as my opponent...

Naruto: Ryouta is a girl! She is so pretty, believe it!

Ryouta had a shocked expression on his face while I facepalmed myself. The members of the Yuki clan were famous for being beautiful... I had mistaken him for a girl when I saw him for the first time too.

Ryouta: Seems like you have far better friends now. You don't need dead weight from the past anymore right?

His voice made shivers run down my spine.

Yurika: Yuki...what happened to you?

Yukio: What happened to me? What more is left to happen? YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!

There was an eerie silence in the arena. I had never seen this side of Yukio before. He was such a sweet boy...he never belonged in Orochimaru's hideout...we always protected each other from his crazy experiments.

I's because I left him there all by himself... I remembered all the happy times I had experienced since I came to Konohagakure...I never thought about taking him with me when I ran could I have been so selfish?

Sakura: Yurika...are you all right?

Sakura's voice brought me back to my senses. I felt tears slide down my cheeks. Yukio's eyes were empty...devoid of any emotion.

Yukio: I guess it must be divine providence that I met you. I will finally be able to have my revenge. Be prepared to die, Kazezawa Yurika!

I barely had the time to duck when he formed a few hand signs half way through his jump.

"Water style: Water explosion!"

The entire arena shook as a huge blast of water almost hit me. But none of the onlookers were affected. It was as if there was an invisible wall like structure that stopped attacks from affecting the audience.

I couldn't help but look on in shock. That attack would have torn me to shreds if it had hit me. It had so much of chakra in it...he was serious...he really wanted to kill me.

Yurika: Water style?

Yukio: Of course. I didn't want to use Ice style...the style that you got from my clan's genes... How could you leave me and Misaki with him? It is because of you...THAT MISAKI DIED...SHE WAS TORTURED...ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR SELFISHNESS...YOU TRAITOR!

I didn't have to see his face to know that he was furious. His voiced boomed throughout the arena. A cut-throat silence followed his angry outburst.

My hands began to shake...It was my fault for leaving him there...but did Kabuto mess with his brain? Misaki died even before she reached Orochimaru's how could it be her fault unless... How dare he? He...actually drugged Yukio!

Yukio attacked me with his fists and I dodged them. There were innumerable amount of scars on his hands and his back. Some of them were old...inflicted when Orochimaru was trying to force my Sharingan to attain the second and third tomoe. Others...had happened in the past one year. He had been tortured! Most of Yukio's hair had turned white...wasn't that process referred to as 'demonification'? The person's hair turns white while the eyes turn red...because they no longer have pigmentation at all...was he being tortured so badly that he was turning into an albino!

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