The graduation exams

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Inside the classroom

"All right students, I will call everyone in the roll order. The called out student will be taken to the examiner's room and will have to do their practical application for what they learnt..."

So basically we just have to clear this practical exam to get that forehead protector with the symbol of hidden leaf village. It would mark them as a Genin(a level 1 ninja).

The examiners room had a high ceilings but the examination room was built on lower ground than the classroom so the students could see through the one sided mirror(from the other side i.e the examinee could not see the spectators). This ensured that the students could perform without pressure... At the same time the students could see each others performances.

The exam begins

They were testing us on Clone jutsu...

"Haruno Sakura"

"Bunshin no Jutsu!"
(Clone technique)

The girl called Sakura created two,very accurate , copies of herself. She held on with great difficulty... Her clones vanishing in a puff of smoke the moment the instructors tell her that she can stop it.She passed... No difficulty...

"Uzumaki Naruto"

He came and stood confidently in front of the examiners.

"I am going to be the best Hokage in the future, believe it!"

The examiners, Iruka and Mizuki Sensei looked at him with a sigh. They knew how much mischief he was always upto...

Then Naruto made the hand signs. They were right. Then it happened. Yurika saw a huge amount of chakra(energy) concentrate in his hand... That kind of energy...

"Bunshin no Jutsu!"

There was a puff and next to Naruto...on the ground... Was a weedy and sick looking Clone of Naruto which appeared as though it just had all of its blood sucked by a vampire...

"Sorry Naruto... But I am going to have to fail you... Others can already make upto three clones... But you couldn't even make one properly..."

Naruto rushed out of the room... On the verge of tears...

"Iruka Sensei... We could pass him... He got the signs right..."

"No... I can't just pass him... I need to be strict with him so that he can save himself in the outside world..."

Oh well... That Iruka Sensei is not wrong... Half hearted knowledge will get a ninja killed.

"Next. Uchiha Sasuke"

All the girls next to gasped and moaned...wait... Did he he say UCHIHA SASUKE! Yurika looked on, eyes deep in concentration...

" Bunshin no Jutsu"

Three perfect copies of Sasuke appeared. He could hold it for quite a while with ease too. The examiners seemed to have expected no less from him. He left the room with a nonchalant expression... His face was so similar to the Itachi guy she had met a month ago...

"Kazezawa Yurika"

Yurika made her way to the examiners room. The classroom was filled with murmurings... Isn't she the mysterious 'kitsune'(fox) girl who never shows her face? That was to be expected... So she is famous as the girl with the fox mask... She removed her mask and could swear she heard a lot of gasps...

No wonder... She had glossy black hair and onyx eyes. Her face was framed by red colored glasses.There was not a scar on her pretty face(the students thought she had a lot them... They thought that was her reason for covering her face).

"Bunshin no Jutsu"

Four perfect copies of Yurika appeared. The watched in satisfaction at the five Yurikas in front of them. Thanks to the puff of smoke, they could no longer tell who was the real Yurika. She had no trouble maintaining them. The examiners nodded in approval and concluded her test.

End of exam

Yurika went out... Only to find all the attention converging on her...

She was interrupted by two girls... Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino.

Their conversation-

Sakura: hey... You are that new student... Kitsune' right-?

Yurika: Its Yurika... Kazezawa Yurika... Not kitsune'

Ino: anyway... That's not the point. Why do you keep your hair long?

Yurika: Excuse me?

(Why should it bother any of the girls what her hair looked like?)

Sakura: Yeah... We can't let you have long hair...

Yurika: And why is that?

Ino: because Sasuke prefers long hair..

Yurika: pfft... So you both are his fangirls... Just as I thought... So Sasuke prefers long hair? Thanks for the info... I am interested in him afterall...

(Thanks to Yurika being extremely bad at explaining herself, she just guaranteed the fact that Sakura and Ino would not get too much of sleep that night. She was only interested in knowing him since he might have a clue regarding her past... But the way things are going, she might find out more about him than his knowing about her...)

End of conversation

Yurika left the academy grounds only to find Naruto looking at the students with a rueful expression... She walked upto him and gave him a coupon to his favorite store- Ichiraku Ramen.

He looked at her... Eyes wide. Perhaps he wasn't accustomed to people being nice to him. She bid him farewell and started walking towards her apartment.

From her balcony, she saw a depressed Naruto being comforted by Mizuki Sensei...

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