Meeting Itachi

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Yuri never realised how significant running could be... She had been training to run quickly... But it never occurred to her before that she could run away from Orochimaru!

Perhaps what she had been lacking all this time was a reason...

To run

To live

To protect...

She felt all the more alive since she now has a purpose in life. If her clan members could look at her now... They would have been extremely proud of her.

Perhaps it ran in the Uchiha genes... The extreme potency of their love. But it was also said that if an Uchiha was separated from their loved ones... That same love would give birth to hatred of the same level...

The sunlight stung her eyes as she was still unaccustomed to the outside world. She looked back fondly... realising that perhaps she would never go back to those dungeons again...

It was then that she saw them... The large masses of deformed men(ninjas) chasing after her. There was no doubt that these were Orochimaru's 'failed experiments'. The mere thought of them sickened her... But she was used to killing them. Afterall a certain snake-like creep taught her combat by using these zombies as target practice...

But she didn't have the time. If she didnt hurry up, she would not be able to go to the land of fire... That is where Konoha, hidden leaf village is located in... That is where Sasuke is...


Black flames erupted wherever Yuri focussed her sight. She was not going to hesitate now... The flames burnt those zombies down in an instant. The flames were now starting to burn the ground. She used her Kekkei Genkai again. The flames extinguished by themselves...

OK... She was slightly proud of her eyes. Her scarlet eyes that were the proof that she could use the bloodline limit of the Uchiha Clan...

"Orochimaru-sama, are we just going to let her go?"

"Yessss... I want that girl to go to Konoha and meet her cousin... She survived the Curse mark... Let her get stronger before I take her back... Her sharingan(the name of Uchiha clan's Kekkei Genkai) might just turn out to be more beautiful than Sasuke or Itachi'ssss...."

Yuri ran ahead... Proud of her accomplishments so far.

"You hold onto the organisation and your clan name. These things limit us and limit our capacities... These things deserve to be shunned. It is foolish to fear what we've yet to see and know!"

Yuri turned swiftly to look at the source of the voice.

The man had scarlet eyes under which were long, pronounced tear-troughs. He had jet-black hair that was pulled back in a low ponytail and his face was framed with centre-parted bangs that extended to his chin; the ponytail and bangs grow longer over the years.

He wore a standard black cloak with red clouds on it and a slashed Konoha forehead protector. The cloak's high collar slightly keeping his ponytail out of sight. Under his cloak he wore a mesh armour with navy accents under an identical T-shirt with a simple white belt around the waist and dark blue pants. On his right ring finger was a ring, which was red and bore the kanji for "vermilion" (朱, shu). He wore purple nail polish on his fingers and toes and a necklace that had three silver rings with red gems inside them.

The man chuckled as Yuri took in his appearance in... The thing which caught her attention the most was his eyes... Her eyes were usually almost black in color and turned scarlet when she used her sharingan... But his eyes seemed to be permanently scarlet... Looking to similar to her sharingan mode.

" Do you work for Orochimaru?-"

He noticed her stiffen at the mention of the name and seemed content. There was no one around... Perfect.

"Water style: water fang bullets!"

He saw calmly as Yuri had her body torn to shreds by the water bullets... Then there was a puff of smoke and her body disappeared.

"Earth style: Earth Clone technique"

So she had substituted a clone made of water before his bullets could hit her. He made hand signs and placed them on the ground.

"Fire style: great fireball technique"

Yuri was not slow... She immediately made a few hand signs of her own...

"Water style: Marine shoot"

Deciding to drop the use of jutsus(techniques), he fished out a few needles.

" Poison Senbon(needles) rain"

Yuri looked with almost dispassionate eyes. That move was something that was never effective against Kabuto... Due to him being a medical ninja. She knew his counter move...

"Chakra Scalpel"

It didn't seem like the man would tire out any time soon... This is bad... His fighting skills were as good as Kabuto's. The first lesson she remembered in fighting was never let the battle drag on... It will reduce ones energy thus making them weak. She would have to figure out a plan... She was barely matching his skills till now... She wouldn't be able to maintain this draw situation for too long...

"I am sorry dear cousin... For you must die. I cannot let anyone from the Uchiha Clan survive-"

Yuri started screaming.She remembered... This was the last thing she had heard before the Uchiha Clan annhilator plunged a kunai deep in her chest. Then it suddenly struck her...


She was under a genjitsu(illusion technique). She looked at the man in front of her. He was smirking.

Taking a kunai stealthily, she aimed it carefully and threw it to her left. The kunai got lodged in the tree with a thud. It had a little bit of blood on it. The man in front for her vanished in a puff of smoke and reappeared to her left.

"So... You figured out my Clone. All right. I'll accept you. In return for successfully completing the test, I'll guide you till the entrance of Konoha"

Yuri was not surprised to find out that he knew her destination... Perhaps he even knew what her purpose is... Somehow he seemed like the type who knew all that goes around...

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, I am called Itachi"

He asked her not to reveal his name in the village... She accepted it unconditionally. Soon she was standing at the entrance of the hidden leaf village.

"I am Kotetsu. How may I help you?"

" I wish to speak to the Hokage...."

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