New challengers

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Yurika was feeling uncomfortable... Ever since they had returned from the C rank turned A rank mission, the members of her team never stopped looking at if trying to find something within her...and she had to admit that the feeling was creepy.

Sakura was happy that Yurika was not after her Sasuke-kun but rather handled him like a long lost blood relation.

Naruto was torn between the desires of being her friend and making her his second rival after Sasuke.

Kakashi couldn't understand how Yurika could have ended up with Sharingan...did she get it from someone like him?

Sasuke was the most hit by Yurika's sharingan. She didn't belong to the Uchiha clan and Sasuke didn't like the fact that someone outside the clan like Yurika and Kakashi could wield the Sharingan. Besides she was actually ahead of him. His eye only had one tomoe and he didn't know about Mangekyo Sharingan!

A week later

The Hokage explained to Kakashi how he had first met Yurika. She had been so desperate of find out about her past and her family... So she was naturally desperate to find Sasuke as well.

Sasuke had no recollections of ever having met someone like her before the Uchiha massacre. Perhaps she was some cliched long lost sister or something...

Naruto and Sasuke had never been the same after the adventure in the land of waves. They didn't show it openly but Naruto's competitve spirit had risen tenfold... which led to disastrous results for Naruto. Sasuke simply scoffed but he secretively glared at Naruto and ignored Yurika.

One day after the missions were over, they started going home. Naruto, Sakura and Yurika were walking home when Konohamaru appeared and was talking to 'Boss'.

Initially it was only Naruto boasting of his success in the land of waves but when asked if Sakura was his girlfriend... Naruto grinned sheepishly... earning the ninja in orange jumpsuit a 'Sakura bashing'.

Konohamaru: Boss...why did you pick this rude and violent woman? She has such a huge forehead... Why not pick Yurika-san or Hinata-san?






Udon and Moegi watched in horror as Sakura beat Konohamaru to within an inch of his life.

He ran away and the scary pink haired demon gave him a chase. Yurika couldn't help smiling. Konoha was a peaceful village...

But the suddenly Konohamaru crashed into a boy in a black jumpsuit and an intricate purple painted face.


Konohamaru tried to run away but Kankuro lifted him up by the collar of his neck.

Konohamaru was suffocating and Sakura was apologizing but Kankuro just lifted him higher stating that he hates kids.

Naruto got really angry and tried to rush at Kankuro but ended up tripping over his own feet.

Kankuro: Can't walk straight and you want to go against me?

Wait...that was weird...Naruto is a clumsy person...but not that clumsy. Yurika activated her Sharingan.
Chakra strings!

So Kankuro is a puppeteer!

Yurika: Kankuro-san, please let Konohamaru go. Mistakes are made by are no exception.

Kankuro glared at her. Mistakes? She dare say that he made a mistake by messing with them? He'll show her who made a mistake.

He sent a lot of chakra strings at Yurika. The latter merely smiled and threw a few senbons.

The senbons pinned his chakra strings to the ground and the last one was aimed right at his wrist...but Kankuro had stepped back to avoid it.

Yurika: Release Konohamaru, Kankuro-san, as a puppeteer you are at a disadvantage against me since I can see chakra strings.

He still had a tight grip on Konohamaru. This is bad...his face was starting to turn was she going to defeat Kankuro without hurting the hostage?

Suddenly a palm sized rock hit Kankuro and he dropped Konohamaru with a gasp of pain. Sakura quickly rescued Konohamaru away from Kankuro.

Following the projectile of the stone, Yurika found Sasuke sitting on a branch...playing catch with another palm sized rock. There was no doubt that he had saved Konohamaru.

Kankuro was angry and was about to retaliate by pullimg out a puppet but froze in the act when he heard a command from a red headed boy.

That boy, Sabaaku no Gaara, had a killing intent that was on a completely different level from anyone Yurika had met so far. And that is something... considering that she had met Orochimaru.

"Don't waste your time or attract attention to yourself. I'll kill you"

"But Gaara, they started-"

One glare from Gaara shut him off. He mumbled 'ok...fine it's my fault'.

The trio were about to walk away when Sakura asked who they were and whether they were allowed to be in the village.

They introduced themselves and Temari chuckled that Konoha genin lived under a rock and didn't even know about the chuunin exams happening in their own village.

Sakura: Maybe...we are so strong that one week is all that we need to prepare.

Temari scoffed off while Gaara looked at Yurika and Sasuke silently.

"Who are you siblings?"

Sasuke: We are not siblings. I am Uchiha Sasuke.

It hurt Yurika slightly that Sasuke denied any possibility of them being related so easily. Gaara looked into her felt as if he could read the very core of her soul.

Yurika: I am Kazezawa Yurika.

"I see..."

With that Gaara walked away and Sasuke disappeared. All of the jovial mode was completely gone.

Sakura saw how depressed Yurika looked and invited her over for lunch but the latter politely declined and walked over to a dango stall deep in thought...

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