The end is only the beginning

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General P.O.V
Konoha was in a state on unrest. Hokage-sama was unsure whether or not to proceed with Sasuke's finals. The people were waiting with high anticipation for Sasuke vs Gaara match. Sasuke was hardly in the state to fight...his sister...had just died in front of him but he pulled through for the sake of his revenge. He had to defeat Gaara..else he would never be strong enough to fight Itachi.

Gaara didn't seem particularly affected by Yurika's death. They really were never really close. Kakashi himself was upset...only because his student had died. He told Kurenai and Asuma the reason why he confessed to Yurika.  The only cure for Uchiha clan's curse of hatred is love.

The Daimyo of Land of wind hardly gave appropriate funds. This meant that Sunagakure had a pretty weak source of funds. They were unable to complete missions assigned to them. This led them into a cycle of poverty. They hardly received adequate funding and they were now unable to earn enough to support themselves. Konoha's Hokage was disturbed right now...Sunagakure decided to carry on with their plan of Konoha invasion.

To their shock, when Gaara was injured by Sasuke  during the finals, he was left mentally unsuited for fulfilling his role in the invasion. Orochimaru's subordinate, Kabuto, instead cast the 'Temple of Nirvana' genjutsu on the stadium where the finals were being held, putting most of the audience present to sleep and signalling the invasion. The Konoha ninja that were present and able to fend off the genjutsu immediately engaged the Oto ninja that had earlier infiltrated the stadium. Gaara and his siblings fled the village with Sasuke and in pursuit, while Orochimaru discarded his guise as the Kazekage and has the sound four erect a barrier so no one can interfere with his fight against Hiruzen.

On Konoha's outskirts, Suna and Oto ninja, with help of some of Orochimaru's summons, punched holes in the village's defences, eliminated the border guards, and moved into the village. All combat-ready ninja sought out the invaders to give the citizens time to escape to the safe area behind the Hokage mountain. Having taken the villagers by surprise the Suna and Oto were able to claim some early victories, in part benefited by the snakes rampaging throughout the village.

As time went on and Konoha's more seasoned ninja came to the village's defence, the tide began to turn against the invaders.Jiraiya  stepped in to stop and most of the Oto ninja at the stadium had been eliminated. Orochimaru , though having managed to bring about Hokage-sama's death, had been badly injured by the loss of his arms. This forced him to hold off whatever plans intended to carry out following his mentor's death as the Sound Four escorted him to safety with the remaining Otogakure ninja following suit. Realizing they have lost the fight with their allies abandoning them, the Sunagakure ninja retreat.

With Gaara of no use to the invasion, Baki had instructed his students Temari and Kankuro to take him and retreat. They were initially pursued by Uchiha Sasuke and Aburame Shino. Naruto,Sakura ,Shikamaru and Pakkun(Kakashi's summon) were later sent to follow Sasuke. While Asuma came to Shikamaru's rescue against a group of Oto-nin, Naruto and Sakura found Sasuke just as Gaara beat him to within an inch of his life by using his powers that Shukaku's jinchurikis possess before turning his attention of Naruto. However, unaware that Naruto was also a jinchūriki until after he lost, Gaara underwent a change of perspective as he and his siblings were allowed to leave the Land of Fire without any trouble.

Taking advantage of Sunagakure and Otogakure's attack on Konoha, Kumogakure sends some of it's ninjas to kidnap Hyuga Hinata but are thwarted by Hyuga Neji who manages to protect his cousin until Hiashi Hyuga arrives.

Having realized that something had happened to their Kazekage, Sunagakure scoured the Land of Wind looking for him. They found his body and, realizing they had been manipulated into the invasion by Orochimaru, immediately informed Konoha of what had happened. They surrendered to Konoha and offered their apologies, which Konoha accepted. The two villages formed a peace treaty and Sunagakure, inclined to make amends, would thereafter come to Konoha's aid if ever there was need.

 Sunagakure, despite the casualties they had received in the botched invasion, would benefit greatly from Konoha's influence, adopting the Konoha's structure for an Academy to train ninjas. Konoha, though victorious, had suffered heavy losses in the village's defence, chief among them being the loss of their Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen. Both Konoha and Suna decided to develop together.

* * * * *

Kabuto: ....and that concludes my report.

Kabuto couldn't help but watch with anxiety. Orochimaru was being healed at the moment...and this had turned into a perfect opportunity for Matsudaira Yukio to take Orochimaru under his captivity.

Yukio: Are you sure you don't want to join me? Orochimaru is a fool. Look at where his lack of planning lead him to. The invasion failed, he lost all ability to perform jutsus and he had made a strong peace treaty between Konoha and Sunagakure. Him leaking information to Kumogakure about the invasion didn't help either.

Kabuto: So it may seem...but Orochimaru-sama did gain one thing...he managed to place the curse mark on Uchiha Sasuke. 

That was the reason why he didn't kill Orochimaru...yet. Yurika had asked him to keep an eye out for Sasuke. Yurika was the only one to have ever succeeded in removing the curse mark. Killing Orochimaru meant that Sasuke would have no way of ever getting rid of it. He needed Orochimaru's research. Besides...Orochimaru's test subjects would serve as good pawns.

Kabuto: I have interesting news for Matsudaira-sama...

Hearing Kabuto call him Maatsudaira-sama was weird since he had been used to Kabuto torturing him or conducting experiments on him for as far as he could remember. He understood the vindictive pleasure Yurika felt when she tortured Kabuto.

Yukio: About...Yurika?

Kabuto: Yes. Her Kazezawa bloodlines comes from her father, who was adopted by the Kazezawa clan so that he would not pose a threat to Fugaku taking the role of the head of Uchiha clan. Her mother is his lover from the Uchiha clan who went with him. That makes Yurika...

Yukio: A pure blooded Uchiha. Where does Otsutsuki come into the picture? 

Kabuto: I don't know. This is as far as Orochimaru-sama's record tells us. Perhaps the Kazezawa clan had dealings with Otsutsuki clan considering the fact that Yurika grew up as the relation of the man called Tsukikage.

Yukio: I is Sasuke going to come here?

Kabuto: The sound four are in charge of convincing Sasuke to come to...Matsudaira-sama's side, but Sasuke will be trained by Orochimaru-sama.

Yukio: Hn. What about the seal?

Kabuto: I am almost done deciphering them. I should be able to use it in a year.

Yukio: You better be. And when it is done...I shall finally meet you again Kazezawa Sakuya...    

A/N : The story ends over here. In Naruto Shippudden, Yukio uses edo tensei to revive Yurika and decides to conquer the world believing that, that would protect Yurika from any and every kind of harm. He is later defeated by Sasuke. After the Sasuke & Itachi v/s Kabuto battle, Yurika is released from the edo tensei and bids Sasuke and Yukio farewell. Yukio goes on to revive Otogakure to help all of Orochimaru's experiments to live a normal life.

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