The Chuunin exams : Part -1

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Yurika was going home when she saw Sasuke...on the floor...his blood ran like a fountain and his face was pale...there were numerous shurikens sticking out of his back. Yurika looked at the scene...horror etched across her face. Behind him was the girl called Temari.

" This is retribution for what you did to my brother "

Sasuke was barely concious...but made one last effort to speak...

" Please away. These people have every intentions of killing us and then making sure of covering all evidences. They intend to kill team seven! Please inform Naruto and Sakura!"

Yurika sighed and walked away...with her hands tucked behind her neck. She obviously didn't bother to hear a word Sasuke said...but she had a hard look in her eyes.

"I've seen enough genjutsu to hate it with a vengeance. Please stop, Iruka-sensei... "

There was a puff of smoke and Iruka longer looking like Temari. The 'Sasuke' on the floor disappeared and another academy instructor appeared in his place.

Iruka: did you find out?

Yurika: When we last met them, I and Sasuke introduced outselves but Naruto and Sakura didn't. He would have called them 'dobe' and 'pinky'...and not reveal their names to the enemy while they are oh-so-obviously planning to kill them... Besides... Sasuke has never ever called me Yurika...and I don't think he will ever do so either...

Iruka watched as the onyx eyed girl walked away. He put a tick mark on his checklist. Yurika was advanced enough to apply for chuunin exams.

But...the hard look she had when she talked about Sasuke and Genjutsu stung him. It looked as if Yurika thought of herself as nothing but a pawn to achieve her goals.

But Kakashi was right. She didn't let pressure get to her...and she didn't get emotionally carried away...if she had, she wouldn't have been able to deduce the genjutsu. Was it because she had shut off her feelings?

The next day

Team seven met at the entrance of the centre. Naruto was in extremely high spirits, Sasuke was cool and uninterested as ever, Yurika looked emotionlessly while Sakura was still hesitating whether she made the right choice by coming...

Sakura was lost in thought but Sasuke pointed out the genjutsu cast on the floor. This snapped Sakura out of her trance and explained how the second floor was being disguised as the third floor. Sasuke stated that Sakura was really good at detecting genjutsu. Sakura became more confident about herself and beamed at her Sasuke for praising her.

Yurika gave a smile to Sasuke and walked away. Of's obvious... She is the one who doesn't belong here... She may have the Sharingan but she didn't belong with the Uchihas...atleast as far as she knew. Perhaps she was just the result of some experiment... It made her worry whether there really were clans called Kazezawa and Otsutsuki...

The candidates entered the room. Imagine Yurika's shock when she saw Kabuto there! Kabuto gave her a warm smile but Yurika was so focused on making sure that she wasn't shaking in fear that her face expression had been wiped blank.

"Are you all right?"

Yurika turned around to find Hyuga Neji. He was the one with that Rock Lee boy who confessed to Sakura on the second floor.

"It's all right. I am just tensed about the exam."

Neji activated his Byakugan and looked at her discretely. Her chakra system was a mess...she was so highly strung that her charkra was out of control. He deactivated his Byakugan and noticed the same expressionless look on his face. The Uchihas have an excellent capacity to act without showing expressions and limiting their vocabulary to 'hn'. Depending on the pitch of the 'hn' it meant either 'oh!' or 'hmph'.

Kabuto smiled lightly at her reaction. There was more in stock for her in due course of time...

Naruto, being the hyperactive he is, managed to attract the attention of the entire room. Kabuto asked them to pipe it down...when he was attacked by the sound ninjas.

Yurika scoffed and pulled Naruto safely into her arms, completely ignoring the hurt Kabuto.

At that moment Ibiki came in. He gave the seating arrangements and found herself sitting next to Hyuga Neji.

The rules made it quite clear that you had five chances to copy. Sakura was smart enough to write answers on her own. Sasuke used his Sharingan to copy and Yurika did the same. She saw Naruto refusing Hinata's help. She sighed. This way...Naruto was definitely going to fail.


All of a sudden, Naruto screamed and held his leg. Ibiki looked at him curiously. Then the class went back to writing. Yurika sighed...that was close. She had activated her mangekyo and made a needle out of her blood. She moved her blood to Naruto's hand and made him fill out the answer sheet. Naruto was beaming when he noticed that he was filling the answer sheet without even thinking. Sigh...did he really think that he was a genius?

Finally the 10 th question was asked and Naruto exclaimed how he would never give up. Yurika smiled. Naruto really was like a bolt of sunshine. After his speech nobody gave up... This boy has a unique talent that has nothing to do with being a ninja... He has the power to influence people and make them more positive and bring hope.

Mitarashi Anko had arrived to take the candidates to the next round of the exam. When they were filing the sheet, Naruto yet again managed to draw attention. Anko threw a kunai that would have grazed him but Yurika threw a kunai that countered it. But due to this change in direction it whizzed through a woman hair... The woman disappeared and reappeared all of a sudden right behind Anko.

" I'm sss-sorry but all that blood made me get excited..."

That woman smiled at Yurika and Sasuke. Her smile became wider when she saw Yurika shudder at her.

Those onyx eyes...they belong to him...but before that he could always have the girl dance the masquerade of death before he took the boy away to become his vessel...

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