The chuunin exams : Part -3

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"Yurika...are you all right?"

The onyx girl opened her eyes gingerly. She was sleeping on someone's lap... Someone's lap!

Naruto: Hey Sasuke, teme! Come and help me out.

Sasuke: Hn. But I am busy.

Yurika opened her eyes to find Sasuke's face inches away from her. Suddenly he grabbed her by the cheeks and put his forehead to her's.

Sasuke: Hm...seems like your fever has gone down.

Sakura: You're one to talk about fevers, Sasuke-kun! You had a fever until a while ago too!

Sasuke seemed taken aback by Sakura's admonishing. He went away quickly to help Naruto with catching fishes.

Yurika: about...

Sakura: If it's about sleeping on Sasuke's's okay. You are his sister after all. He needs you...especially now that his clan has been massacred.

Yurika nodded weakly. Then the words registered...sister?

She stood up quickly but felt dizzy and Sakura supported her.

She saw Sasuke and Naruto walk back quite a lot of fishes. Soon the smell of roasted fish filled the air. They didn't realize it earlier due to being occupied with all that was happening. After stuffing quite a bit, they slowed down and finally began to relax and chat.

Yurika: long have I been out?

Sakura: Almost two days.

Yurika: I see. I am sorry for all the inconvenience I caused you...

Sakura: that's all right... You saved us.

Yurika: No. I failed...

Sasuke: What did he mean by send?

Naruto had been eating with a glutton like pace...but at that comment he froze and pointed a kunai at Yurika. Yurika's face fell immediately. Sakura and Sasuke both punched him at the same time.

Yurika: No it's understandable that you don't trust me.

Naruto was looking with a serious expression too. Yurika sighed.

Yurika's story in self narration ( Yurika P.O.V)

As my comrades cousin, you deserve to know my past. I'd rather tell it myself before someone like Orochimaru comes and twists it to make the facts seem different.

I was born in a village where they called their head as the Tsukikage. I have no idea if it is an official title...I have never read about such a title. As far as I know, I was related to the Tsukikage...and am a part of the Kazezawa and Ōtsutsuki clan...distantly related to the Ōtsutsuki.

I was apparently kidnapped by Orochimaru. I have no idea about where the village is...or who lives there.

Me having the sharingan might just be because of Orochimaru's experimentation...but then, why would he call Sasuke-san my cousin?

Well...the major part is that within his hideout, I had as normal a life as possible...

But at times I had to kill off the experiments who had gone wrong fot it got me used to blood, gore and violence.

Then one day he decided to check my sharingan's progress...he locked me in a dungeon and tortured my only friend in front of me...with the hope that it would make me develop these eyes. It did. Within a week my eyes turned from one tomoe to three tomoe.

I was made to fight even more enemies but my jutsus were restricted and I had to watch the enemy's positions and chakra flow to figure out what jutsu they were going to use...and find a way to avoid them by merely using taijutsu.

Failing to defeat the opponent was never an option because my friend would pay for it...and if Orochimaru gets tired of my eyes then he would either kill me...or worse make me into an experiment.

Then when he decided that I was strong enough, he chained me in the dungeons...and gave me the curse mark. must have realized how much it hurts when your body desperately tries to reject the curse mark and the repulsive chakra it gives...

Amidst all the pain that was almost driving my mind blank, I heard that Sasuke was a living relative of mine who was living in Konohagakure.

I had always felt so lonely...not even knowing where I belong...but then I realized that Sasuke-san might be the only person alive who could help me. Even if he couldn't, I still had someone I could call a family...and that was all that I needed at that time.

Like an idiot, I didn't even realize that I was falling for his trap when I ran away from the hideout after killing all the obstacles in my way.

I felt really happy in Konoha even though it got me no closer to knowing who I am and where I belong...but I felt the happiest I had felt in an eternity.

But now I regret it...I had sworn to protect Sasuke-san...and yet I allowed my emotions to get the best of me...and couldn't stop that vile creature from tainting the only person I can call my family.

End of story


Naruto and Sakura started sobbing and hugging her. Yurika stiffened and watched with a bewildered expression. Sasuke pulled her away from the crying duo...and hugged her. Yurika's face was buried in Sasuke's neck...

Sasuke: So that's why you asked me if I knew about the Kazekawa clan and Ōtsutsuki clan when we first met...and here I had thought that it was another annoying pickup line.

Pickup line?

Sakura blushed and turned away with a guilty look. So he truly was at the end of their pickup lines.

Sasuke: But now it's different. I know about you...and your sharingan proves that you have the Uchiha blood in you. So... I have no problems with considering you as family. So can I call you my sister?

Yurika: Hai! Onii-san.

Onii-san? Sasuke realized for the first time that Yurika was clearly 2 years younger than them. Her looks and her experience seemed to make her seem much older.

Sasuke: Sure...Imoutou...

Sakura squealed. Sasuke trying not to feel embarassed at being an elder brother cute!

The quartet went on with the forest of death with renewed that all secrets were revealed and relationships were established.

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