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After work I went straight to grocery store then back home.  I was in a hurry because Leah had a doctors appointment in an hour.

So I called Austin and told him to get her ready to go.


"Leah Jackson" the lady called out.

"That's me that's me" Leah said jumping.

"Come on sweetheart" I said picking her up.

We went into the exam.

"Hello I'm doctor Cannon children's specialist" the doctor said.

"Hello I'm Bella Jackson, and this is Leah" I said.

"Ok Leah Ms. Leah are you ready" she said.

"Yes" she nodded.

"Ok can you take off your clothes" she asked.

Leah looked at me with a scared expression.

"Go ahead sweetie I'm right here" I nodded.

"Ok" she said then began to undress.

The doctor began checking her breathing.

"Breathing is normal, now sweetheart can you bend down and touch your toes" the doctor asked.

"Ok" Leah giggled.

The doctor touch her back. She started to make a few odd faces.

"What's wrong" I worriedly asked.

"Let's step outside" she said while walking out.

I nodded and followed her out.

"Well it seems that she has scoliosis" she announced.

"Well what can we do" I asked surely about to cry.

"Now don't worry we just have to do a small surgery" she said.

"Could she die" I asked.

"No at worse she could only be paralyzed from the waist down if things don't go well in the surgery or she doesn't heal well" she said.

"Oh my god" I cried.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Jackson however this has happened to other children so don't be worried" he said.

"Ok can you just Finnish up please" I cried.

She nodded and went in to continue the check up. I didn't want Leah to see me cry so I cleaned up my face a little. I entered the room and sat down. 

"Alright now Leah we have to give you a shot which is just some quick medicine then your all done so go ahead and put your clothes on and I'll be back" the doctor said.

"Ok" she said.

The doctor left and Leah finished dressing herself.

"Leah sweetie wanna go get ice cream with everyone after" I asked.

"Yassss" she smiled.

"Who taught you that" I tickled her.

"Uncle Robby" she laughed.

I stopped and we just laughed.

"Ok hello Leah I'm nurse Jean here to give your shot" the nurse said.

Leah nodded.

"Do you wanna sit with mommy or on the table" the nurse asked.

"With mommy" she said climbing on me.

The nurse nodded and brought the needle over.

"Here we go now Leah don't scream and mommy and daddy will buy you the big teddy bear you want" I said.

The nurse did what she did. Leah only whimpered with tears but she was pretty much quiet.

"All done" the nurse said.

Leah turned and hugged me.

"I know baby it's ok ready to see daddy" I said.

She nodded. We went to the front on paid also I got a set date for her surgery.


"Hello" Leah shouted as we entered the house.

"In the tv room" Austin shouted.

"Daddy" shouted running in there.

I followed behind her only slowly. I sat between Austin and Alex. Austin was tickling her. He stopped an looked at me. He lean over and kissed my cheek and I just looked at him.

"Babe have you been crying" he asked.

I was quiet.

"Leah go play in your room for a minute" Austin said.

She ran away shouting "ok".

"Monday" I said breaking down.

"What happening Monday" Alex asked.

Someone muted the TV and it was quiet.

"S-s-she needs surgery" I cried.

"She has scoliosis so she needs surgery to fix it. She could be paralyzed if the surgery doesn't go well" I said trying to stop crying.

Austin dropped a few tears as the guys looked upset.

"Mommy can we go get the ice cream and teddy bear now" Leah shouted from the stairs.

"Um we have to eat dinner first" I said back.

"Let me get started on it" I said getting up.

Maybe it was faithWhere stories live. Discover now