Death By Power

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“Zack!” Melissa  yelled, launching a flipflop at my head from across the room,“Nose out of the book!”

I slammed the thin red paperback shut and threw it on my desk.

 “What do you want?”

She looked up at me, screwed the cap back on her mascara, and smiled sweetly. “You know if you read too much your eyes won’t look as wide. It really messes up your face you know.”

“I literally have no idea what you just said, And I really don't care, because frankly, I'm a guy.”I glared, and swung my legs off my bed before getting up and walking across the room towards the hall.

“Going anywhere?” Claire said, coming out of the bathroom and blocking my path to the door.

“Yeah,” I replied, and shoved past her and out into the hallway before going down a flight of steps and arriving at the door to Nick’s room.

You see, I have two sisters named Claire, age sixteen, and Melissa, age fourteen and I have to share a room with them because my three brothers Nick, whos fifteen, Jared whos twelve, and Jordon whos eighteen share a room. Only three people are aloud in each room. So I am stuck with the girls. But the good part is, we rotate from who has to be with the girls every year. This year its me, since I just had my fifteenth birthday. me and Nick are only minutes a part, seeming we are twins. It's strange because I hardly think we look alike very much. First of all, my blond hair is short and gelled whilst his is long and flippy. And we dress perfectly different. he dresses like a punk type person who doesnt get out much. I dress like someone whos smart and nice, and I always wear shorts, and I give off the vibe of a not very social person. I'm considered cool though.  I pretty much just enjoy reading and sports and skate boarding. I skate board and snow board every weekend.

“Nick!!” I yelled, rapping sharply on the door, “I’m coming in!”

The door swung open and he stood in the doorway, leaning against its frame.

“What’s up?”he asked casualy, giving his shaggy blond hair a toss and letting me in.

“I’m going to kill our sisters,” I told him, taking a seat on the bed. It was large and wooden, with a thick blue duvet and fluffy white pillows. Nick, Jared, Jordon and I had really taken to calling it the“Chick Bed”.

“Why?” he asked, going over to that weird home gym thing that people hang on their doors and lifting himself up and down.

“Um…Because they’re airheads, they have no lives, and they hate me,” I replied, smoothing down my hair.

“Oh really,” Nick failed to console me, jumping off the thingy and sitting down against the door

"Yes really!” I said loudly, gaping at him.

He said nothing, just flexed his muscles.

“Stop doing that,” I told him.

“Doing what?” he asked.

"Being all stupid and what not. The muscle flexing, really doesnt work for you with that rather skinny frame." I said, matter of factly, trying to get on his pourly balanced nerves.

He rolled his eyes and shoved me out of his room, him being the only one in there, Jordon was with his girlfriend Lizzie and Jared was watching T.V.

"What eveer, Nick!" I yelled after he slammed his door shut.

I ran out into the kitchen where a aroma of grilled cheese for lunch drifted around. My mother was cooking up grilled cheese, She handed me a plate and smiled beautifully. I took a bite and the cheese stretched. Oh, it was like Heavon.

"Thanks, mom." I said smiling.

"No problem, my son." She said, kissing my head tenderly.

My dad walked into the room and smiled lovingly.

"Zack, how would you like to play a game of catch??" He asked me, tossing me a baseball glove and a baseball.

"Sure!" I grinned from ear to ear.

 "Wake up, Tarez!" Serret yelled at me, kicking me with the tip of his hiking boot.

His sword was slung in its case, strapped onto his belt, his torn army jacket unbuttoned. He frowned at me under his blood stained, dirty face, his dark hair ruffled under an american flag patterened bandana. Silver shoulder armer was strapped tightly onto his shoulders, a dagger tucked under his ripped black jeans, on his leg. I was dressed the same as him, besides the bandana I had a RAP4 paintballing mask. My real name was Zack, but my code name was Tares. Serret's real name is Jake.  I slowly woke up, my eye lids heavy. My eyes were watery as I thought about the dream I had just had. I slowy sat up.

"I had the dream again." I said sadly, my voice quivering.

he frowned at me, adjusting the sword in its sword hilt. He seemed concerned.

"About your...your family?" He asked slowly.

I nodded and slipped on my paintball mask, getting up off of the cave floor.

"I'm sorry man. Don't think to much about it." He said, helping me up.

We stood and slowly started walking out of the entrance to the cave, in front of us was a long wide field of lushis grass, a sun just rising over the hills, and a wide range of forest around it. We climbed down the hill the cave was in and stumbled toward the ground. I had to stop the dreams of my past life. It was just slowing us down.  I wanted to remember my family though. A tear ran down my face as I remembered. I had to let go if I wanted to make it through the battle between us two legions: The Lize and the Darez. Me and Serret were part of the Lize. We had been temporarily seperated from them in a battle with the Darez. We needed to find that ball of power before them.I still can't believe it's actually real.

I thought about my family. I knew I would die trying to find the power. But I had nothing to live for anymore. My family was dead. My brothers, sisters, my mom and dad...They were all gone.

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