Chapter 15.

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Hi everyone! So,  here it is. This is actually probably not the last chapter lol sorry :P Anyways, so here it is!!!! Dedicated to Myself for staying with this story and not giving up, no matter how many people are reading it. As long as I have 1 or 2 fans, I'm still always going to keep going. (=^.^=) Anyways, enjoy!!!!!!!!!!


Is it me again? Am I back to normal now? I spared Anna/ Pearson's life, doesn't that mean I'm back to normal? That I don't have the lust for revenge. Maybe I have fulfilled my needs. After all, she finally gave me a REAL apology. Wait, where am I? All I see is nothingness. Everything's white. Wait. I see something. Something in the distance, coming towards me. I think its people....many of them. About seven.

"Mom, dad?" I called.

I startled myself with my own voice. It was hoarse and soar. I cleared my throated and stood up. I had been sitting. I sheilded my eyes and squinted, trying to get a better look. My parents came into view, walking hand in hand, smiling.

"Mom!" I yelled.


They waved at me and I hesitantly waved back. It feels like forever since I've seen them. I tried to run to them but it was like my feet were glued in the spot. They stopped about two meters away from me.

" I dreaming?" I asked slowly.

My parents exchanged blank looks.

"Son this is really us." My dad answered, the corner of his mouth twitching into a half smile.

I nodded slowly and looked in behind them. My sisters, Claire and Melissa. Not to far behind them was my three brothers, Nick, Jared, and Jordon. They didn't look any different then the last time I saw them. Claire 16, Melissa 14. Nick whos 15, Jared whos 12, and Jordon, who is the oldest, 18.

"This is REALLY you. B-but you're all....D-dead." I stutted, pointing a shaky finger at them unsurely.

"We're checking up on you. Anything is possible. We will check in again in a year or two." Jordon said in his deep, raspy voice.

Nick laughed and pointed at me.

"Hey, twin. You look awfully different now. Look at ya, all dirty and bloody." He smiled.

I couldn't help but just stare at him in awe. He looked exactly like me, besides the clothing and hair. I shrugged.

"So..umm how are you all?" I asked, out of things to say.

"It's not that bad here." Claire answered hastily.

Mellisa leaned in as if what she had to see was a secret. I found myself also leaning in a bit to hear what she had to say.

"You know. in HEAVON." She whispered.

I stood straight again and nodded thoughtfully. Is that where they are? Heavon? I never really thought about that.

"B-but Anna murdered you. And I didn't get my revenge, arent you mad about that?" I asked quickly.

Surely they were still thinking about THAT. My mom chuckled unhumorously.

"Son, revenge doesn't do anything. If anything, if you want to get revenge on her, spare her so she has to live with the fact." My dad said.

I nodded and turned my attention to my mother.

"But honey, killing her wont do anything to make us feel better. First of all, it doesn't bring us back from the dead, does it?" She said matter-of-factly.

They were right.

"I guess so." I replied.

"Then don't you worry about it, or us. We're fine up here. We should be the ones worrying about YOU. You did good son. You did good."

"Thanks, you guys. I love you all. No matter how much I think I hate you at the moment, I will always, no matter what, love you."

And with that, they were all gone, and as they dissapeared, I heard a faint chorus of 'I love you' s echo around. Just as I was about to sit back down, someone else appeared in front of me.

"Serret!" I exclaimed.

A boyish smile spread across his face when our eyes connected.

"Thats me." He said.

"Serret, I did it, for you. I got the power, and not only did I get it, we shared it between ourselves!" I said with a childish tone in my voice.

"Thats great, Tarez. You stay strong. And don't you feel guilty one bit. Don't you worry bout me, I'm alright." He grinned playfully.

I wanted to give him a big bear hug, but you know, my feet are kinda stuck to the ground.

"I'm so sorry, I should have been there for you." I appologized.

"Ugh, Tarez, If I have to tell you it's alright one more time, then I'm gonna have to give you a nuggie. I'm resting in peace now. Bye Tarez." He sighed.



Suddenly the white went away and I saw Amisa and a few other kids crowded around me, slapping me in the face and poking my eyes, the forest scene behind them.

"whoaa, wha?" I groane, sitting up.

Kids were jumping around screaming and laughing. Amisa gave me a big hug and my face turned bright red. She let me go and sighed with relief.

"You were out cold, and mumbling in your sleep." She confessed.

"D-did it work!?" I cried, referring to the power.

Amisa smiled and winked. She heald out her hand and bit her lip, pushing and straining to do something. Suddenly the vains in her wrist started molding and wriggling, turning firey red. Then, before I could even blink, little flames danced apon her finger tips, nipping at the warm day air, slicing through the sky.

"Oh.My.God. It worked." I gasped.


Hope you enjoyed!!!!!! I'll be posting the next chapter soon!!!!!!! :D :D :D I hope you liked the little family reunion, you never really got to meet his family very well. Hey, show me the love!!! Vote and comment!!!!!!!!! I know ur out there!!! -_-

And I repeat, this is not the last chapter, repeat, this is NOT the last chapter!!!

Thanks !!!!!!! :)

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