Chapter .13

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here ya go!!!! this is dedicated to Jazz Hands for being there all the way! She is awesome! Check out her stories: Forgotten Memories and Every Rose Has A thorn. They so awesome, I luv reading them and they only have a few chapters so far so get reading them before she finishes!!! :D


goldie523 <3

well it's about time!

Amisa and I ran as fast as we could towards them, as if we could be swept away at any moment. We were hugged and slapped on the back. Someone grabbed my shoulder and spun me to face them. It was the girl who had shot the arrow.

"I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed, shaking me dramatically.

"it's fine. You should be saying sorry to her first! Why tell me?" I said, pointing at Amisa who was amongst a crowd of Lize.

"Well shes not cute." She winked teasingly.

"Uh-er-ahaha.....Um. Yeah, thanks." I stuttered, blushing.

She giggled and heald out her hand.

"I'm Marilyn. But for now on, I'm known as Feir." She smiled.

I lifted an eyebrow at her quizically.

"Like heir with an F instead of an H? Hm." I wondered.

"Yup. Whats your name?" She laughed.

I mentally slapped myself in the face. I hadn't told her my name right after she told me hers. Instead I was trying desperatly to make sure there was no awkward silence, because that happened a lot with me.

"Um, it was Zak. I'm Tarez now." I replied dumbly.

"Huh, very original. Ta-Rez." She smirked.

Suddenly the crowd started moving.

"C'mon guys. Lets get this show on the road." Someone called over us.

immediatly everyone fell silent as we trudged on. Feir nudged me and I leaned in.

"hey, wheres that boy I heard you were yeah, Serret?" She asked.

I know she meant no harm, but I was immediatly irritated. After all, it was just reasont. She didn't know what happened though, I shouldn't feel annoyed or anything. I shrugged and slipped through the crowd before she could say anything else.

the forest was deathly silent as we made our way out. I'm quite surprised that we are traveling in such a big, noticable group. Maybe we should at least spread out a BIT. We stand out like a sore thumb. I nudged the boy who happened to be walking beside me.

"hey, why are we walking in such a large group?" I asked curouisly.

He looked over at me, flipping his long sandy brown hair and staring at me with pericingly green eyes.

"Well, it's better then having to fend off Darez by yourself." Was his lame answer.

It didn't really answer my question entirely. But it doesnt matter.

"Well, do we have any idea where the power might BE?" I asked.

"Dude, quit asking questions. We know that if we keep heading north it will be in that general direction." He retorted, obvoiusly annoyed.

I retreated, taking a step to the side so there was some distance between us. Okaaaaay. So we actually know where it might be, hmm....We have a better chance of finding it, we have an advantage. Imagine the powers that we can posses.....imagine what will happen if we find it. Could we fly? Things like that? What if we find the power and then I encounter Pearson (Anna)...? Then I can easily destroy her with the invincible powers I would have had gained.

Oh yes, now the idea is being planted in my head and growing massivly large. If only we could obtain the power.....No mercy.

Suddenly my thoughts were interupted by the loud sound of swords being sheathed and arrows being notched in bows. I quickly pulled out my sword with a lust, a need to kill. I stood on my tippy-toes and peaked over the many Lize and looked ahead of us.

"Oh wow..." I muttered worriedly.

A large army of Darez stood, redied same as us, prepared for a fight. And a face I saw crystal clear was that of Pearson's. She was draped in heavy armer, her sword clenched in her fist daringly.

She has it coming BIG TIME........ >:)

Sorry its so short! And its iffy but I'm tired and JazzHands made meh!!!! D: Anyways, please vote and comment :)

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