Chapter 14.

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Sorry I havent uploaded in so loooong!!! I have been pretty busy lately and I am juggling 4 stories!!! (One of them I am making and will post the first chapter soon!!!) So, please enjoy this!!! dedicated to JazzHands because she is this stories number 1 (and maybe only) FAN!!!!!!!!!!! :D Please vote and comment!!!

*Pokes screen*

And I'm talking to YOU Jazzie!!! you wanted this chapter, so show me SOME LOVE!!!! ENJOY!!


A boy (I'm guessing the leader of the Lize) Held up his hand and I unsheathed my sword, preparing myself for this treachorous battle between us and the Darez. before I could gulp with fear as I glowered at Anna from far away, the boy dropped his hand, signalling the battle.

We charged. The Darez also charged and our feet sounded like thunder claps as we all raced towards eachother. This is it. I'm going to die. That's not the only thing racing through my mind at the moment, I was also thinking about how long I've wanted to have my revenge on Anna. And there she was, right in front of me, yet I was still gathering up the strength to battle her and scrounging up ideas on how to beat her.

My sword clanged with someone elses. Our eyes conected and the fire ignited inside me, this bloody murderous look on my face, as I swung my sword at him. All around me sounds of screaming and crying, shields smashing together, swords clashing, and war cries erupted.

he swung at me, but I side-stepped, only to knock into another Lize close by my side. The boy screamed and Lunged at me, but I deflected his sword, and hit him in the gut with my sword hilt. He gasped as the air was knocked out of him, but quickly regained pace. He slashed at my ankles and I jumped over it, swiping at his head. He dodged the blade, but I quickly jabbed the sword into his chest. He fell down limply, and I moved onto the next Darez. I couldn't help but think.

I mean, this boy, maybe he had a sister and a mom and dad. Maybe he was getting straight A's or D-'s. Or maybe he had no family and wished he could be with the girl of his dreams. But I killed him, I whiped him off the face of the earth like he was worth nothing. Just as I killed another, I stopped and stood there, trying to find out who I am. Surprisingly, no one noticed me or attacked me.

I just stood there. This unexplainble feeling had tooken over me the day my parents were murdered. I'm no longer the kid who reads to much in class, or the boy who plays baseball with his dad in the back yard on weekends. Or the boy who thought he hated his sisters and didn't know what he had until it was gone. No, now I'm different. I've changed. I'm no longer Zack. No, I'm Tarez. Warrior. I wont die a happy death from old age when I'm happily married. I'll die by the thing I loathed most. The fight for power.

Oh and its not just here at Liyab. This unknown island filled with mysteries. Its everywhere. it's where you are right now. Money and economy. Thats the real problem. Not this.

And I'm worthless now. I'm no longer who I was before. No, I'm Tarez now. So I don't care if I die here, fighting for this power, for Serret, for my sisters and brothers, my mom and dad. So this is how it all ends, huh?

Death by Power.

Well then so be it. But if I'm here anyways, then I'm gonna get that power.

I stabbed another Lize in the gut and he fell like a sack of raw meat.

"LOOK!!!!!!!!" Someone screamed at the top of there lungs.

Everyone hesitantly stopped and stared up into the skt. I followed there gaze. Everyone started elbowing eachother and mumbling excitedly and worriedly. My heart raced and my fingers rubbed eachother half-heartedly. A ball of concentrated, glowing light slowly floated down from the sky. She was right. That girl, she was right about the power. It is here. It floated down and lightly hovered over a hill to my left.

"ATTACK!" Everyone screamed.

Suddenly the battle continued, and i found myself quickly pushing through the crowd, running towards that damn hill. I got out of the crowd of fighting people and ran up the hill. A grin was spread across my face as I stood and stared down at it. it retiated power and heat.

"Zack?" I heard someone say.

I spun around to see Anna. or should I say, Pearson. She stood there, and stared at me with her icy blue eyes.

"It's Tarez." I said, teeth clenched.

"Listen, I didn't want to kill your family! I was just going to steal a clock! But your dad grabbed my arm and stopped me and so my reflexes, they made me kill him! T-then the rest of your family saw and...." She whimpered.

"You killed my family, now you will die." I said calm and composed, trying now to break down crying.

She drew her sword. I heald up mine menacingly. I swung my sword at her, screaming. She ducked and sliced my leg. I yelped in pain, but kept fighting. I lundged at her and she stumbled backwards.

"Zack!" She cried, standing up.

I Jabbed at her, but she side-stepped keenly. She spun around and tried to disarm me, but I deflected her trys. I swiped at her, followed by jabbing her in the stomache with my sword hilt. Finally fell on her back, gasping for air.

I placed my foot on her chest and she wriggled uncomfortably. A tear I was trying to hold back so hard was captured in my eyelid, but it finally slid down my face. My lips shuddered.

"A-anna, I-I will kill you. I-I don't know why, I've been weird lately. U-UGH!" I screamed, wripping off my paintballing helmet and pulling my hair frustratingly.

What was happening to me? I cant control myself any more....

"Zack, I'm sorry. Kill me." She yelled.

I took my foot off of her chest and out my sword to her neck.

"Either I kill you now..O-or JUST GO!" I wept.

She stared at me, wide-eyed. I glared at her as she stood up and brushed herself off. She ran at me and hugged me tightly. I pushed her off with distaste.

"Oh um...Zack, I know what I did was wrong, but LISTEN! We need to both take this power. If we do, then everyone will get the power and then no one will kill eachother any more!" She exclaimed.

I stood there and processed what she was saying in my mind. I nodded. She looked back, her face red and teary-eyed. I followed her gaze and realized everyone was staring at us. Everyone stopped fighting.

"POWER, POWER, POWER...." Everyone started to chant.

Anna and I looked at eachother, our eyes conected. She nodded and I took a deep breath. We both grasped the power with both hands. it was surprisingly stretchy and gooey. We both pulled as hard as we could, I heard it start to rip, and felt it stretch.  We grunted and groaned as the power started over whelming us. I felt a surge of power as we pulled and pulled....and I know everyone else did because the chanting abruptly stopped and everyone started gasping and breathing fast.

Suddenly It ripped. It was sent inside of me and Anna. It flew into my chest and into hers. I gasped. We collapsed onto the hard grass and everything blurred, turning black.....fading away....


Wooot wooot! One more chapter to go after this! hope you enjoyed! Give meh some feed back people!!!!!! Thanks everyone!! Its been a pleasure writing this, one more chapter to go. <33 :)

Luv ya!!!!!

goldie523 <3

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