Chapter 2.

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We walked on, wading through the dense swamp, the sun baking us. We were in direct sunlight, the trees ahead of us. I knew we were both dying just to get under the thick foliage of those pine trees. The shade would do our cracking, sun burnt skin some good. You see, heres why we are here and what we are doing. It all started one day when all the kids in my school (around my age/ fifteen)  met up in the school yard one day. That was when we thought it would be cool to make a game. A fighting game and we made ourselves some kind of a legion. we taught eachother and ourselves how to defend ourselves and keep ourselves safe, fight and how to react in combat. We were actually very good. It was like our own personal lessons. We all met up every day after school and during school at recess.

It was one day that started all this chaos when someone told us of something hidden far away in a part of the world. A part of the world called Liyab...A normal place. But it had never been discovered before by mankind. The girl said she had seen it in a dream and she some how knew it was real. Of course, we're just a bunch of kids.  We decided we should go after it. Even though we didn't know if it was even real, we all craved some adventure. The girl said it resembled a ball of concentrated, glowing light that contained a power. Such a great power that when you simply touch it, the power dissapates into you. Then you will hold unspeakable powers of greatness and strength. 

we walked on. Serret groaning once and a while, scratching the peeling skin on his  forhead. Anywyas, after we were told of this power we had a chance to posses, disaster broke loose and made us end up here, fighting for our lives. we fought over the power. We argued about who would get it. Then it was decided we fight. We fight to the death, searching for the power. But we couldn't go by ourselves. So we split the hundred kids into two groups of fifty. The Lize and the Darez. me and Serret are part of the Lize. Thats when the disaster spreaded even farther and my life changed for the worse, changing the course of everything that was normal in my life. One boy suggested that someone had to do something drastic, something they would never do, to prove that they are seriuos about doing this. Then one girl obediantly agrees to do something the next night to prove we were all seriuos. My thoughts were confused. Mostly thoughts of how dumb this all was, and also of how I absouloutly didn't want to, I had a life to live. I have a family, I wasn't going to leave them.

The next night when we had all met up was the most emotional time of my life. The girl had returned, boasting of the devoius deed she had done. It was only later when they were ready to leave to get to Liyab when I realized what she had done. I went to find my family dead. All dead. I cried so hard, I felt as if my eyes were melting or I would run out of tears, or perhaps myy head would explode from all of the crying. I was ready to just beat that girl, Anna, to a pulp. But they told me to leave it on the battle field. So now, all I want to do is have one chance to cross her in battle. Then I could have my revenge. So when they asked me to come along, it was then that I agreed and signed my death certificate with a fine, permanent, red pen. I had nothing to live for anymore, I would have no big sisters to worry and fret over me, no brothers to stare out into space, wondering about where I was, or any parents crying over my dissapearence, or absence. It was the moment, pushing me to accept. To break the outer borders of my perfectly, normal life. After joining that legion, my life would never be the same again.

"Oh thank the god, for the devil put us here." Serret panted, collapsing onto the forest floor once we were in the exfoliating shade.

I managed a smile, more like a tweak at the sides of my lips, as I sat down on a stump, sighing. He took out his switch blade and began to carve a stick. We could never stop doing something. It was what we learned. Stay on our toes. I bet you can guess where we are now. Yes, We are in Liyab. We made it. We really did. After stealing a boat, sailing far out into the sea, and coming across a strange, giant place, which is Liyab, we made it! Anyways, we were recentlly seperated from the Lize in a fearfull battle for our lives. And now comes the question as to how many people I have killed. It all depends, we have been here for about four days, all of which feeling like months, or perhaps years. I would estimate I have killed two people already. Well, not estimate. I KNOW. Because I will never forget the moment their blood was on my hands.  I guess you were expecting me to say I killed more people then that. Don't. Have you ever killed two inicent kids, kids you see passing you down the hall at your school but never really paid attention to? Well I have. Two is two to many. These kids. These kids, they agreed, same as me, to fight to the death to find a power. A ball of generated light. They want something different then me though, they want the power, I would love to have it to. But I'm searching for something a little different. I'm not quiet sure what it is yet, but its something. Something from withen the heart. Something i need to find for myself, before I die. Is this the way I want to die? Death by power? The gloriuos, bloody, gory, beast-like fight for power. it makes me sick.

"I say we keep heading east, the Lize should be there by now, camping out on the east flank hill with our flag. I think we should cut up here and knock out any Darez in that path." Serret said, drawing me a confusing diagram of the hills with his sharpened stick.

I nodded as if I had been listening that whole time, to him babbling on. He can do that sometimes. Oh, well look at me talking. Im the one who babbles on. I scraped at the stump with my finger nail, scraping off any excess bark hanging off.

"I don't care, your the leader, you decide, I know nothing about this kind of stuff, I'm the kind of person who just sits around and reads Anne Of Green Gables all day or does sports, nothing like this." I said darkly, letting out my inner demon by accident.

It was true. I wasn't used to this kind of stuff at all! And he was the leader since day one and I sorta got a bit sick of it sometimes, even though hes about the only person keeping me alive right now, Hes the only reason I'm telling you this at the moment. Because if he was gone there would probably be a harpoon or spear sticking out of my side. He stared at me, gaping. He stepped towards me and stood, staring down at me innecently.

"Tarez, what are you saying? We're fighting for our lives. We're both equal. Cut it out." He said, as he raised his eyebrow at me.

"Sure, say what ever you want Serret! We both know out of the two of us you're the Alpha!" I snarled.

I knew he was better then me. He was stronger and trained harder, even though I was good myself. But he was gracefull and I was all over the place. It was plain fact that he was stealthy and swift while I clambered around. He jumped on me and pushed me off the stump, making me land on my back with a thud. He crouched over top of me, his hot breath against my neck.

"You never say such things, if I were you all I'd be doing is covering my own ass instead of pouting about something thats not even true." He growled.

I nodded, cocking my head to the side and spitting on the ground beside me. He lifted me up by the cinks in my armer and shook me, staring harshly into my eyes.

"I understand." I said.

He looked both ways, then slipped a tooth pick out of his glove and put it in his mouth.

"good." He said quietly, dropping me back onto the ground.

He got up and adjusted his bandana.

"I say we get going now then, huh?" He asked me.

I stood up and brushed the nettles off of me. I nodded and pulled on my paintballing helmet. He took the sword out of his hilt and put it over his shoulder. He gestured for us to head east, and I followed liesurly. We were once again out in the open, heading towards the hills where the Lize were probably setting up camp. Suddenly there was a whipping sound and Serret quickly pulled me to the ground. We lay there and I saw as a arrow stuck into a tree directly behind us. We heard a war call from ahead of us and we saw three Darez standing, bow and arrow in their hands.

"Shit, they've seen us!" I cursed.

We unsheathed our weapons and readied for battle as they galloped towards us, readying their bow and arrows.

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