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Luke Hemings arrived at violets house at exactly eight o'clock, Michael had told him that girls like it if you're on time and that he should drink a glass a wine before he arrived, to loosen him up a bit.
"Hello." It took 2 hours for her to wash her hair prepare if and 1 hour for her to straighten it and put it up in a bun.
She had also taken one of Anastasia's dresses.
But Luke would have still thought she was beautiful if she came out in sweatpants.
"Wow." Luke smirked

As Violet and Luke were walking, Violet holding both of Luke's hands from behind, as usual, they received a couple of weird looks from middle aged couples, obviously racist.
"I feel uncomfortable." Violet mumbled, her head buried in Luke's backs "oh well theyre just stupid." She lifted her head and let go of one of Luke's hands to flick her hair as the couple walked past, Luke turning around to watch her sassy moment whilst smirking.

"I hate old racist couples." Luke said as they were walking to the art gallery.

"Me too."

They walked into the art gallery, violets hands laced into Luke's.
"You know this is strictly platonic." Violet said as she looked at the art in front of her, Luke.

"Yeah..yeah." To say Luke was disappointed was a big understatement.

They spent their times running around and dancing to the weird gallery music and Luke spent most of his time taking pictures of Violet when she wasn't paying attention.

"Are you hungry?" Luke asked smirking as he looked down at her.

"Yes and no." She furrowed her eyebrows "are you going to try and make me eat something weird?."

"No!." Luke lead her outside "I'm taking you to one of the best burger places in town, since this is strictly platonic."

The restaurant, 'burger queen', was designed like a typical 1960s diner, it's interior was mostly pink and blue and behind the counter was a woman around the age of 50 who Luke seemed to be quite familiar with, Violet was pretty sure that there was a bit of flirting going on.

They sat in a booth, Violet sat next to Luke since she found the whole sitting across from each other thing quite annoying.

The burgers arrived, they were incredibly tall.

"How am I going to eat that." Violet commented whilst pointing at the humongous burger.

Luke grabbed the burger and took a giant bite from it, leaving mustard on the sides of his mouth, Violet followed straight after.

The lady from the counter walked to their table.
" hello Luke, looking handsome as usual." She placed her hand on his shoulder. "And who is this beautiful lady beside you."

"Hello Aubrey, you're looking beautiful as always." Luke smiled politely "this is Violet my.....friend."

"You guys would be such a cute couple." She said grabbing both of the empty plates from their table.

Luke smirked at Violet whilst wagging his eyebrows.
"Shut up boy." She slapped his arm playfully "let's go."

They walked through the park until they reached the end.

"This was an awesome date well except where you flirted with Aubrey." She giggled.

"Me and Aubrey have a strictly platonic was relationship...but if she was a bit younger."

"Shut up!." She laughed."I've got to go Anastasia's probably waiting to tell me all about her 'annoying' cousins."

As she reached up to kiss his cheek, her mouth landed on his.
His hand moved from around her waist to her face as he kissed her plump lips passionately, her lips soft against his

"I've got to go." She said between kisses, her nose brushing against his as they giggled.

"5 more minutes." He kissed her again.

"Bye." She said against his lips, before running away. "You have soft lips." She shouted whilst running.

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