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I explained to Jess about what happened with that guy earlier.It was a strange conversation and I really hope it doesn't happen again,especially because Jess told me about him.

Jason McCann.That is his name.One of the most wanted criminals out there.I was kind of shocked because in all honesty,I've never heard of him or seen him on the news.

I ignored the thought because I could've bet there was way more dangerous people here.After all,we were in prison.

We were currently walking around the prison yard for our daily walk and what some people called 'pointless walking around in 40+ degrees Celsius'.

"Anyway,going back to Jason.Stay away from him.He may be one of the most sexiest guys out there but he's also a lot of danger" Jess shrugs.I nodded.

I understood she was worried that he talked to me and may have an eye on me now,which wasn't my favorite thing either,but she was over reacting.I mean,he just talked to me,nothing else.

Shaking my head out of those thoughts I started to pay all my attention on how hot it was.I huffed.

"Jess" I whined."What?" She laughed."How long are these walks?" I asked.I will admit,I'm not the active type of person.Im more of a 'I work because I have to and watch Netflix in all my spare time' type of person.

"I won't tell you because you still have a lot of them to go before you get out of here and I don't want to get you even more depressed about being in jail" she laughed.Ugh.Stupid prison walks.

Finally after what seemed like 5737 years we were finally standing in line to be called on the role to make sure everyone from the section was here before letting us into the cells.

I was just next when the officer yelled the number 789.My jaw dropped.I was 790.That meant I stood there for almost an hour and the person in front of me was missing.We had to wait til the prisoner was found.Yay.

"He's here" another officer yelled.I looked over my shoulder and saw 2 officers pulling the one and only,Jason McCann into the entrance of the cell hall.

As he passed me he sent me a wink followed by a smirk.I stood there.Damn he was fine,but I couldn't focus on that right now.My only thought was to get water and take off these heavy black boots.

*Jason's POV*

From the first second I saw her I knew I had to get her out of here with me.It honestly made me curious why such an innocent looking girl would be here but then again,looks may fool a person.

I got knocked out of my thoughts when I heard the sound of large metal keys clashing against each other as the officer tried,one by one,to open the cell.

I laughed to myself.'Poor man is gonna be dead soon' I thought to myself.You see,I am Jason McCann,the biggest criminal of the United States.It's a title I am very proud and fond of.I've been to jail many times but not surprisingly always managed to escape,and this time it wasn't going to be different.

"Jason,what's wrong with your face?" Seth,a good friend of mine, asks laughing."What do you mean?" I ask annoyed.He is a very talented guy when it comes to operating guns and shit,but he acts like a 5th grader most of the time.

"You look like you're thinking about something.Like,something very intense" he explains.I could feel my eyes rolling to the back of my head from the annoyance building up in me.I was not in the mood for a conversation,especially not with Seth.

"Nothing.It's nothing" I groan as I sat on the dirty sheets of my bunk."Is it that girl from earlier?" Seth asks,raising his dark brow.I said nothing.I wasn't going to explain myself in front of this idiot.I saw him smiling."It's her isn't it?" he asks,once again.

"Fuck,Seth,it's none of your concern" I growl.He put his hands up in defense.We sat there in silence until we heard the door at the end of our small corridor,that leads to our cell,open.

I continued looking at the doorway to see who it was.But when the figure finally came to my view it was worth the wait.It was officer Toledo.He was a very laid back and chill dude,unlike the other faggots working here.

"Aye Toledo".I heard Seth cheer.I chuckled.Toledo laughed and nodded his head,gesturising a hello ,or an 'aye'if you prefer,back to Seth.

"Got some news from the outside world?",I ask.He sits back into his leather chair."Not really.Only 3 interesting things happened today.You went missing,the search for you was so much fun" he exaggerates.It must've been terrible.I didn't really care though.I needed some time alone and it's their job to find me.

"Oh and this new girl,that just came in,almost fainted today at the lunch room today" he continued.It took me a second,or two,to get to my brain what he said.'A girl almost fainted'.It had to be her.

"What girl?" I ask."I'm not sure what her name is but she looked really young,around 20 I would guess.Brown hair,brown eyes and a nice tan skintone" he tried explaining her as best as he could.

If I didn't know who he was talking about I probably wouldn't have guessed because his describing is shit but I knew exactly who he had in mind.It was her.His description suited her perfectly but even if he tried he would never be able to describe her beauty.Its really indescribable.

'Stop being a sappy piece of shit' my inner voices haunted me.I shook my head."Could you find out her name?" I ask Toledo."Why?" He asks."Just curious" I shrug.I could see Seth smirking with the corner of my eye.I turned to face him and sent him a warning look.

In my head all I was thinking about was the question Toledo asked me."Why?".Why do I need to know her name? Why? I laughed to myself.Its pretty obvious.I think every normal human would want to know the name of the person they're gonna be in a relationship with.

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