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I woke up the next morning with a feeling of illness.I groaned and climbed down from my bunk.I asked the officer if he could take me to a public bathroom,which he surprisingly agreed on.I guess he was scared that I would throw up on his documents or something,but I wasn't complaining.

After I threw up the officers gave me some pills and I felt a bit better.I also got breakfast early which was great because the times they usually have us food don't suit my digestive system.

I was eating my toast with jam,which I had asked for,while sipping on some sweet coffee.Being sick was a pretty good thing,I got treated extremely nicely and got food that was actually edible.But that didn't change the fact that the food I ate yesterday were kicking the back of my throat all day.

"Feeling a bit weak today,I see" I hear a female voice speak above me.With the bread still in my hands and jam smeared over my nose I looked up to see Officer March glaring right through me.I swallow my food and nod.

"Don't get used to this special treatment Lady Smith.This is only happening because you are new here and have been good so far.Do you understand me?" she says coldly."Of course,ma'am-I mean Officer March" I gulp."Great.Now finish up because you have visitors" she grins."But there is no visiting hours today..." I say in more of a questioning tone."I am aware of that Ms.Smith but I am in a good mood today.I guess we can make some exceptions once in a while" she chuckles and exists the-I honestly don't know where I was.It looked like a staff/lunch room kind of thing.

"Smith,we have to bring you to your cell now" a lower level officer comes in and says.I sigh and stand up,stretching out my hands for him to cuff them.He smiled,I'm guessing it was because I was 'co-operating'.

We walked through the halls of this place.As we walked through the hardcore part,where drug addicts and killers were being held they all jumped over to their bars as they saw us coming.They were all covered in prison tats and had piercings in strange places.They looked crazy and some even scary.They eyes me up and down while trying to grab onto me from behind the bars,like animals.

I focused on walking ahead but did a double take when I saw a familiar pair of eyes staring into mine.Everything seemed to change into slow motion as I stared into Jason's hazel eyes.He wasn't at the bars trying to get at me like the rest.He sat at the back of the cell,calmly.He chuckled to himself and that's the last thing I saw before I got snapped out of my thoughts by a large metal door being slammed in front of me.

We finally got to the calmer sector and I was so thankful.They usually don't bring us through the serious crime sector so it made me a bit curious as of why that happened.As I was un-cuffed,and put into Jess' and I cell I couldn't get Jason's intense stare out of my mind.I sat on my top bunk and tried to shake my head out of these thoughts.

"What's up,weakling?" Jess giggles as she pops her head up from under my bunk."What?" I choke out as I clear my head."I asked how you were.Is everything alright? Did they put something into your tea?" she laughs.I do too.She knew how to change the atmosphere.

"I saw Jason" I sigh as I fiddle around with my fingers."You what?" She asks in disbelief.I look down at my lap,"Yeah.We exchanged a rather,intresting, set of glances" I admit."I told you to stay away from him! But why were you in that part of the prison anyway?" She asks confused."I don't know" I shrugged,"the officer just brought me through there.Short cut,I guess".

She climbs onto my bunk and lies across it.She sighs."You like getting yourself into trouble don't you?" she chuckles lowly."No" I quickly reply."Then what type of 'glances' did you and Jason exchange?" she asks curiously.

"Like he was trying to figure me out or something.Trying to hypnotize me with his gorgeous hazel ey-" "He's already gotten you,hasn't he?" She smirks."What?"

"You're already falling for him?" she asks."Obviously not.That would be messed up" I admit,still looking down at my lap,almost fearing to make eye contact with Jess."Just please be careful with him.He's a special one,you never know what idea he comes up with" she says."I know,thanks for the reminder though".

Behind Bars (Jason McCann)Where stories live. Discover now