12."Are you crazy?"

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Jasons POV

"Are you crazy?" Seth screams in a whisper."I've been told" I chuckled at his remark,receiving a glare back from him.

"We can't just change the date of the plan.It took forever to think of and to get every detail perfectly.If we go change the smallest thing we might aswell just stay in here forever" he explained in an obvious tone.I groaned.

"But Seth,I don't think you understand.I can't be in here any longer.I don't want to" ."Stopwhining like a small child and let me sleep.We aren't leaving here earlier so just deal with it" he told me sternly.I groaned,once again and decided to give up.

I lay back on my oh so comfortable bed and closed my eyes.I couldn't fall back asleep.I flipped from side to side and changed positions like every second.Nope.Just nope.There was no way I could fall back asleep again.

"Fuck,Jason,will you ever stop moving around? I can't sleep because of you" Seth spat,tiredly."Alright,I'll just make it easier for the both of us" I sighed as I jumped up from my bed and went towards towards the bars.Seth looked at me through his squinted eyes.

"What are you doing?" He asked."What does it look like?" I chuckled.It was kind of obvious.What else would I be doing at the bars at night if it wasn't sneaking out."Are you going to see Madison?" he asked as a smirk appeared on his face."Who else".

"You're so dumb.Do you not realize how much you are risking by just going to see your girlfriend?" he sasses but I could hear the slight humor in his voice when he said 'girlfriend'."She's not my girlfriend.Just go to sleep".

I was surprised at how easy it was to open the cell,usually it takes longer.Also,Toledo wasn't here.I ignored the thought and replaced with the thought of hearing Madison's worried and sassy tone in less than five minutes.I smiled,slightly,to myself.

I started creeping through the long halls of prison cells,careful that I don't wake anyone up.There wasn't any officers here because it was more of a public hall.Endless amount of cells.An officer would occasionally just walk up and down but usually nothing happened around here.

"What are you doing here" I heard a shout coming from behind me.I froze in my steps.'Stay calm' I told myself.I twisted around on my heels and soon faced a skinny,blonde haired officer."I was feeling a bit sick so Officer Toledo let me out to use the bathroom" I explained calmly.The officer nodded."I'll walk you there" he said and started walking towards me."That isn't necessary,sir" I say back at him as he gets closer."Oh no it's fine,I'll keep you company" he says in a demanding tone.I curse at myself,in my head and continue walking to the 'bathroom'.

When we got to the bathroom I knew I had to work quick.I looked around for cameras,making sure to do it so that they wouldn't see my face.After I was sure none of them got me I turned around and smashes my knuckles against the officers face,making him stumble back a little.I locked the bathroom door behind me and ran as fast as I can towards Madison's cell.

I was risking so much at that moment.I felt the lovely feeling of adrenaline fill up my entire body.I enjoyed it,a lot.After running through several hall ways I finally reached the metal door that leads to her hall,I opened it and made my way to her cell.

There she was.Laying in her bunk so peacefully.I took a glance over at the officer minding her.He was sound asleep.I took that as a great opportunity and swiftly snatched the keys from his desk.I opened the cell door and made my way over to Madison.

Once I reached her,I took in her peaceful and heavenly expression.She was so beautiful.I took my fingers to her face and gently stroked her cheek.Her eyes finally started to open and a small smile started curving up the sides of her lips,soon changing into a frown.

"What are you doing here,again?" She asked as she slowly sat up on her bunk,removing my hand off her face with her gentle one."What do you mean?" I asked her,confused."Jason,I don't want this.I don't need anymore trouble" she explained to me while she fiddled around with her fingers."Why?" I ask,still confused.

She shrugged."Unlike you,I don't want to be sentenced for longer because of you're silly games.Please,just go away Jason" she sighed."So this is how you want it to be?" I ask her,stepping away from her and raising my voice a bit."You'll get it this way" I yell in a whisper in a slightly harsh tone,which seemed to upset her,and left her cell,closing it behind me.

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