7.The First Meeting

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Jason's POV

"Thanks for bringing her by,Toledo" I grin as he sits back in his chair."No problem.Are you ready for your meeting with her in a few?" he asks as he takes a sip of his coffee,a smirk forming on his lips behind his mug."Very".

"Just don't get too carried away.She basically doesn't know you so if you go too far you may stay in here for longer due to rape" Seth chuckles.I slap the back of his head.What a dumbass.Of course I wouldn't want to scare my baby like that.I want her to get to know me better.I'll wait as long as she wants,no big deal.

Toledo chuckles."Don't worry about that Seth.You have to be aware that there are officers minding the meetings" he says in an obvious tone.Seth was such a dipshit sometimes,it was hard to tell if he was faking or if he actually had no clue about almost anything.

"Oh right.Why do you even want to meet up with her,it's not like you two have any topics to talk about together anyway" Seth shrugs.I guess in a way he was right,but it's not like I planned out our whole conversation.

"I'm just gonna say what I think feels right to tell her at that moment.I won't tell her about the special thing straight away" I explain sending him a wink.

The special thing was a term Seth and I agreed on for our great escape next month.I planned it the moment I saw Madison.I knew I had to get out of here and be with her.But it's not just because of her,I was going to get out either way.And although we were cool with Toledo,it didn't change the fact that he was a cop.

"5 more minutes" Toledo chuckles as he looks up at the clock that hung above our cell.I felt a rush go through my body.I felt this new strange type of nervous feeling in me,I've never felt something like it before.I got up from the bunk and lazily walked towards the bars."Can we break the meeting room time table rules and get in a bit early?" I smirk as I grasp two bars with my hands."Jason,you do know I could get fired if I do that? You know exactly how strict the rules here are" he states.

"I am fully aware of that,but I would still like to go just a bit earlier" I plead.I knew he would give in."Can you not just sit down.You literally have 2 minutes until your meeting with her,fucking 120 seconds" he groans.I laugh a bit at the fact that I was annoying him now."Fine" he sighs."Thanks boo" I squeel in a girly voice,in return receiving a chuckle from Toledo and a 'what-the-fuck-don't-ever-do-that-again' look from Seth.

I heard the beautiful sound of the cell door opening and stretched my hands out straight away to be cuffed.I felt the familiar cold metal clasp around wrists within a matter of seconds as Toledo pushed my back to walk forward.He had to act tough and brutal towards me in front of the higher officers.Cops and prisoners shouldn't be friends,that's just not right.

We continued walking for a while until we finally came into the hall of meeting rooms.I looked at the clock hanging above the door and smirked towards Toledo,"We're late"."Jason,it's only 3 minutes.Chill" he sighs as he un-cuffs me."This wouldn't have happened if you listened to me and let me come here earlier when I asked" I chuckle as I stretch out my arms and rub my wrists.

"Alright,now listen" Toledo speaks up as we stand in front of a huge metal door,meeting room number 78.9."There are some rules.First of all,no nearer contact.Don't touch anything else but her hand if you must.No whispering,nothing that can get you in trouble basically.I'll be listening and observing the whole thing so no funny tricks and be careful what you say" he points out sternly.I was holding in my laugh.It was weird to see Toledo so serious after seeing him play 'house' with his donuts before."Got it?" he asks,receiving a nod from me.

This is was it.He twisted the nob and basically threw me into the room.There she was.My beautiful baby was sitting there.She held her hands across the table as she fiddled with her fingers.She looked nervous and a bit scared.I frowned.I didn't want her to be scared.Although I am not the nicest to some people I would never dare to hurt her.

"Hey Madison" I finally choke out as I sit down opposite her."Hello" she whispers."Jason." She finishes.God,her voice was music to my ears."I don't want to be rude but why did you want to have a meeting with me?" she asks.

I shrug,"I don't know.Just thought we could socialize,get to know eachother a bit better"."Get to know eachother?" she raises a brow,"this isn't a date,Jason.This is a prison meeting room" she says annoyed.

"You're so cute" I chuckle."What did you do?" she asks with a slight tone of attitude as she sits back on the wooden chair,crossing her arms."What do you mean?" I ask."You wanted to know more about eachother so I'm asking you a question".

"Just for bombing and drug dealing,this time" I smirk as I see her eyes widening."And you're proud of that?" she scoffs back."Kind of.I mean compared to my title it isn't that much to be proud of" I explain."What 'title'"? she quotes,as if she didn't already know."America's most wanted" I chuckle.She nods.

"Now my turn.Why are you here?" I ask as I lean my head down in the palm of my hands and smile up at her.First she looks at me a bit confused but I guess she decided to just talking me and get it over and done with."I accidentally knocked someone down" she says in a cold and low tone.I nod.I could tell my precious one wasn't comfortable with this.I felt a pain inside me when I thought of all these fucking officers pushing her around in this place for something she didn't intend to do.That person shouldn't have been crossing the road if they saw her car.

"Is that all? Can I please go?" She kind of pleads as she sends a look over to Toledo who was observing us through the glass.He nods.Madison stands up and starts walking towards the door."See you around,gorgeous" i say as she walks out the door with an officer dragging her.She looks at me confused with a slight blush on her cheeks.Soon enough she is passed the door and her face is out of my sight.My puppy mood goes away in the matter of seconds.

The way she talked to me,I could tell she enjoyed it and that she liked me.It was a bit of a challenging conversation as we both dared to play a small game with eachother.I really enjoyed it and I could sense she did too.

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