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Madison's POV

Here I am.Back in my cell,alone.Jess was still gone and Jason just went.I sighed,remembering the adrenaline rush I had just experienced while running around the prison with Jason.It was so risky,but I liked it.

I don't know why I was so tempted to go with Jason.I mean,he is a criminal,he could've killed me or something.There's just something about him that I can't get enough off.Maybe it's the twinkle in his eyes or his playful yet daring tone.Whatever it is it's working on me like a spell.

As the time passed,my thoughts drifted on and landed on the subject most important to my heart.My family.They're probably having a nice family dinner right now.I smiled as I remembered how not too long ago I sat at the dining table with them,now I sat in some cafeteria filled with dangerous people.No more greatly cooked meals that my mom and I made together,instead I got some blended potatoes or some shit.

No more fighting with my dad for the last slice of ham or last cookie.It was such a terrible feeling,being taken away from your family for no reason.I mean there is a reason.I killed a person.But I didn't mean it,why would I ever do that,not by accident? I feel so bad about what I did but I know at the back of my head that I didn't mean it.Its just guilt trying to get to me.

Being in jail and missing your family isn't like feeling homesick.Its twenty times worse than that.Its sort of as if someone came to your house,kidnapped you,put you into this place and told you to be lonely for a year.You really learn to not take family time for granted or take anything for granted,really.

You have no idea how much i miss opening my bedroom window,every morning and seeing the sun shine through the tree branches.I miss cleaning my room,doing everything my mom asked me to do because she was too lazy,driving to school,packing my sisters lunch.God,I even miss wiping myself with nice soft tissue paper.Literally the toilet paper here is like a grater on your ass.

I miss it all so much,but there's nothing I can really do.I could get out of here if my parents paid but I know it's too much money for them even if they wanted to.They would have to get a loan and be paying it back for years.

I felt a tear slide down my cheek.I didn't even bother to wipe it off because I felt like I just had to let it all out of myself.I felt another year slide down my face and before I noticed I was crying.I tried to stay quiet though,I didn't want some officer getting all emotional with me,they wouldn't even care anyway.It would just be pure pity,and I didn't need that.

I heard the cell door open and close.I rapidly wiped away all my tears,sniffed,and sat up with my legs criss-crossed.I knew that it was Jess because who else would it be.The officer left and we were alone.

When Jess noticed the tear stains on my cheeks and my red eyes she rushed over to my bunk with a worried expression."Hey,Madi what's wrong?" she whispered."Homesick?" she asked.I nodded."I understand" she sighs.She starts climbing the small ladder leading up to my bunk."Move your ass,Minaj" she jokes,trying to lift the mood.I giggle and scooch over so she could sit down beside me.

"I remember the first time I was homesick" she starts.I noticed her looking down at the floor as silence filled the,room,I guess you could call it."Tell me about your family" I suggest."Do you actually want to know?" She asked,a slight hint of sadness was heard in her voice."Yeah" I said softly."Okay well,at home it's my dad,my three brothers and my nan" she says,smiling a bit at the end."What about your mom?"I asked.Jess scoffed,"She doesn't give a fuck about us.She had assumptions that the dad was cheating on her so she left.Guess where she went"."Where?" I question."To her fuckbuddy" she spat,at her mother."No way" I gasp.

"Yes way! She made up the rumors about my dad so she wouldn't look as bad.Because honestly,she would look like such a bad mom if she left 4 kids after cheating herself,she thought no one would find out" she laughed."How did you find out?"

"This is the best part! One day I was in school and I was walking out to my car and fucking guess what I see.My oh so lovely mother chewing some 17 year old boys face" she exclaims.I laugh a bit at her attitude and story telling tone."She was dating some guy from your school?" I ask.Thats so messed up."Yup" she giggled."That's a very intresting story.I can't believe she would do that!" I tell Jess."Not many people would.But I'm fine with it.It was a few years ago anyway.We're better without her" she explains.I nod in response.

The talk with Jess helped me a bit.Im so greatful for a cell mate like her.I mean,I could have been put in here with some girl that did drugs and killed people all the time.She's the only reason why prison doesn't seem as bad.

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