13."Come with Me"

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Madison's POV

"Alright girls,get up" a male voice shouted making me groan.I didn't get enough sleep last night after my incident with Jason.I had to forget about him.I can't catch feelings for a criminal and especially not in jail.I don't need anymore trouble.I thought on my decision all night after my talk with Jess,until Jason came.

I was shocked by his outburst but I should have expected him to have some sort of anger issues or something.After all,he isn't the lovey dovey type.His life is a continuous circle of clubbing,killing,smoking and dealing.

I shook the thoughts out of my head and for up,knowing that the officer would come in soon and tell us to get up again and I was not in the mood for that.

I hopped down from my bunk and saw that Jess was still waking up.Her hair was all over the place and she had sleeps in her eyes.I laughed at her appearance and received a flare from her.

"Why are you so happy?" she asked me as she got up and walked past me,to the small metal sink in our cell."I'm not,you just look really funny in the morning" I giggle."We'll see if you're still gonna be smiling in a few" she chuckled."What do you mean?"

"Why do you think they woke us up today?" she asked as she dried the water off her face with her shirt.I instantly rememberes that we were walking today.I whined,throwing my head back.This is why I hated Friday's.We always walk around the block in the morning on Friday.

We left our cell and exited our jail sector pretty quickly this morning.Usually it would have taken much longer.We got breakfast on the way,which was some soggy cereal and two slices of toast with butter.We ate outside and then it was our turn to walk.

It was cloudy outside today making it a bit less hot which I was thankful for because walking around in 40 degrees Celsius isn't fun.

"Someone's looking at you" Jess whispered to me.I started looking around and stopped when my eyes met Jasons.He was talking to Officer.March while his hands were cuffed and being held by some other cop.

"He's talking to March" I thought to myself.It must be something serious then.Jason was the first to break eye contact with me when he looked back at Officer.March.I was praying that it wasn't my fault he's getting into trouble and that they didn't catch him when he was sneaking into my cell yesterday.

I'm guessing Jess noticed the worried expression on my face because she shrugged and asked if everything was ok.I nodded.

"I don't think so.Did I miss some action that happened between you two?" she questioned as her eyebrows furrowed.I began debating wether I wanted to tell her or not.I should tell her because she knows Jason more than me but then again I guess it was sort of personal.

"Tell me.Now" she demanded,but I knew she wouldn't mind if I decided not to tell her.I didn't want her to get offended though so I decided to tell her.After all,it was her cell also.

"Jason came over last night" I whispered shyly.Jess faked a choke and her eyes almost popped out of her head."Came over?" she whisper-yelled at me."Yeah but we didn't go anywhere this time.We kind of got into an arguement".

"Wait,hold up,you got into an arguement with Jason after knowing him for what,2 days? What could you two possibly have argued about? And don't even tell me this has something got to do with feelings".

"I told him I don't want to see him anymore and that I want him to stay away from me.Lets just say he didn't react the way I wanted him to" I said honestly."How did he react?" Jess asked.She seemed to be fascinated by this but I could tell she was slightly annoyed because she has warned me about Jason.

"He got angry and said if I want it the bad way I'll get it like that" I admitted.Jess pressed her palm to her forehead.I felt like a 15 year old girl that was about to get in trouble for coming home too late.

"Do you know what you got ourself into? Jason said he'll give it to you the BAD way,emphasis on the bad.What if he kills you!" she exclaimed making us receive strange looks from people."Shut up" i whisper yelled at her as I waved my hand at her.I didn't want anyone to know about this.

"Oh my god girl,you're in here for less than 10 days and you're already in some love triangle shit with the biggest criminal in here.Nice going" she laughed sarcastically.It was nothing near a love triangle though so I don't know where she got that from.

After all the walking we went to the showers and the same procedure took place.Instead,this time it wasn't March telling us the rules.It was some older officer.He was really skinny and had a grey stache.He was also bald.

As for now it was dinner time I guess you could call it.It wasn't the most delicious thing I've ever eaten but to be honest it wasn't the worst.We got some potatoes,meat of some kind and some gravy.I ate the whole plate.Walking around this block really does make you hungry.

"Madison Smith?"

I looked up from my food to see a boy around the age of 21.His hair had a perfect caramel-hazel color and was styled up into a quiff.His eyes were covered with a pair of sunglasses and his sharp,gorgeously defined jawline caught my attention right away.His jaw was clenched.

He didn't look like a cop to me.He seemed way too young to be one.But to say the truth,I really don't know anything about cops besides the basics.You never know,maybe he's on trial or they take in some young guys to work at a prison nowadays.

"That's me" I assure him as I stood up.Jess was busy talking away to this other girl I met the other day.Apparently,her and Jess know eachother from outside of prison.Her name was Chelsea.Black hair styled into a bob with bangs,followed by some piercing blue eyes.

"Come with me" he said flatly and for a second I felt like I couldn't trust him but then,the small voice in my head told me,"Go with him.They obviously know who they let into the prison building.He's an officer,for sure" and myself being the gullible person I am of course believed it right away,without reconsideration.

I sent him a nod and he grabbed my arm straight away.I stumbled forward a bit,not being ready for him to pull me behind him so fast.

We kept walking through several corridors,cell halls and up flights of stairs.We walked through places of the prison I have never seen before and some of them were terrifying.The conditions in some parts were worse than in my cell.In fact my cell,compared to some I saw,was very luxurious.

We passed all types of sectors and cells.We weren't in the woman sector anymore."Where are you taking me,officer?" I ask politely,in hopes that he would tell me."No questions" he answers with no emotion.I was confused by his reaction.Also he didn't even handcuff me,which was strange.

We were now entering yet another sector.I fixed my gaze on the large and bold red lettering above the door.'Heavy Sentenced-Men'.I was shocked when I saw this and noticed where this man was taking me.I shouldn't be in this part of the prison.I began questioning myself if this man is even a cop?

"Alright" he says as he turns around to me.He took off his glasses and stared blankly at me as we stood in the long corridor that probably leads to cells.I began feeling a bit out of place with him looking at me which resulted in me fiddling with my fingers.

"We're here" the 'cop' says making me look back up at him.Turns out he wasn't talking to me but to the walkie-talkie.I heard shifting and a loud sound of a door opening.I quickly turned my head to the side to focus on the door from where the noise was coming from.

The door was opened by a prisoner.I was as confused as I could be.The most likely fake officer pushed me inside,snapping me out of my thoughts.I stumbled into the room and my eyes soon landed on the person I was least expecting.It was Jason.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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