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We were woken up very early,I'm guessing it was about five in the morning.The reason behind that was that we were gonna take showers.My first shower in jail.Remind me to check that out of my bucket list.

We were put into long rows as they checked if everyone from our hall was there.Of course everyone was.Then,one by one,three police ladies tossed out old and ripped up towels.I cringed when it came onto my arms.They were soggy,like if they were previously used.

"Jess,are these towels used?" I ask disgusted.She laughs."No,they're just old" she explains."So,is there hot water?" I ask."If you're lucky enough you'll catch a shower with some warm water.Mostly we shower in cold with a hint of warm.It depends where you're in line,and since our cells are at the end we are almost last,so no we won't have hot water" she states.I groan.

This is so gross.Old,ragged towels,cold water,rotten tiles and shower curtains,naked women.It smelled really bad too,considering we didn't shower last night after walking around in the sun for ages.

"Alright ladies listen up! Does everyone have a towel ?" The police lady screams.I stood there shocked.She looked furious."Yes" everyone said in sync.This is weird.

"Alright,I know we have some new people here so listen carefully because we don't have all day and I will not repeat myself!" She screams,once again busting my ear drums.

"There are twenty shower cabins,so obviously we go by twenty people at once.If you try to sneak in to get warm water you will get a punishment,which may be an extra two weeks in here.If you are on your period,after you shower,stand in a line in front of the bathroom and wait for us to give you permission.Please remember to not flush the pads or tampons,we can't have that happen again.Don't make comments about other people's bodies and please,for the love of God,do not look into others shower cabins.One last thing.You get 5 minutes to undress,5 minutes to shower and 5 minutes to dress.You get out of the shower once you hear the whistle.That's it.Thank you for your co-operation." She explains.

Damn,so many rules for just one shower.But I guess they're helpful because honestly I had no idea how this process works.I wonder if she calls out that speech each time? Probably.The line started moving,but very slowly.All we could do was wait.

"Jess,do you know when the opening hours start?" I ask.I already missed my family,although I had no idea if they would even visit me."They happen from 7-8pm,every Monday,Wednesday & Friday.You can get private meetings but the guests have to pay for that ." She says.I nod.

"Wait,isn't today Wednesday?" I ask."I honestly couldn't tell you.Ask the officer".I stare at Jess with wide eyes."Did you see how she was screaming? I am in no way asking her about the date" I squeal.

Jess laughs at me.I hate being new here,I don't know anything."She doesn't bite,she did once but that was a special situation-"

"Wait she fucking bit someone?" I giggle."Yeah,it was so funny-"

"Do you find that funny Ms.Johnson?" we hear a voice speak from behind Jess.It was the lady officer,holy shit.Jess and I must've gotten caught up in conversation that we didn't notice her walking around.

"No,Officer.March" Jess says with shame.Of course I knew she was pretending,she actually didn't give a shit."Good" Officer lady says with a smirk and walks off to scream at the other girls.

Jess turns back around to me,"Do you find that funny Ms.Smith?" She mocks,holding back her laughs."No Officer.Johnson" I mock back."Good" she says and we burst out laughing.Even though it's only been like 2 days I really like Jess.She makes jail seem better.She's a good friend.

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