chapter 5

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Harry's pov

I wake up to the sweet smell of him.

the boy I wish I could wake up next to everyday.

But soon it hits me.

that could never happen.

I need to move on.

through out my conversation with my self I guess I fell asleep I must be boring, I fell asleep just like I fell for Lou all at once....

"haz, hazza, wake up baby cakes" Louis whispers in my ear

"what" was all I could manage getting out from my dried drool covered mouth

I got to go meet Taylor, wanna come?" he asks not knowing.

"no" I spit out harshly. Lou looks a bit taken back by my answer.

"why not?" he semi yells trying to control his anger. I start to tear up knowing he's choosing her over me, before he can say anything else I bolt to my room not wanting to listen to him defend her not knowing what she has done and what she's doing.

after a couple minuets of me sobbing and him pounding on the door to let him in he leaves, he leaves me to meet her.

after today I now know that he will always choose her over me.

I cant let this happen to me anymore

him hurting me

me crying so hard I get a head ache

im done.

heyyyyyy so sorry that this chapter is REALLY REALLY short it was just filler and I wanted you guys to see a little into Harrys mind so you will understand some stuff that's going to happen later on, anyways love you lots. oh yeah and again if you make cool covers let me know cause I need one and I want to make a nickname for you guy so if you have suggestions let me know also!!!!!!!!!!!!

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